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bottle bottle
Posts: 346
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6 years ago
The ability of the sender to create effective images that are correctly interpreted by the receiver is
  A) visual parallelism.
  B) big data.
  C) visual symbolism.
  D) visual literacy.
  E) convention.

Ques. 2

Many design elements have ________, and their connotative meanings can evolve over time to mean different things in different cultures.
  A) numbers
  B) denotative qualities
  C) visual symbolism
  D) infographics
  E) visual literacy elements

Ques. 3

The advantage of incorporating visuals is
  A) they force the reader to slow down to study the message.
  B) they convey less information than text, so the reader will have to read the text for supporting material.
  C) people are less numbers-oriented and rely on visuals for meaning.
  D) the reader is more likely to be drawn more deeply into the message.
  E) they are easy to change for diverse audiences.

Ques. 4

If you find a photograph online that you want to use in a document,
  A) you don't need permissionyou are protected by fair use doctrine.
  B) you don't need permission unless you are using it in marketing materials.
  C) if it is not specifically offered free, assume that someone owns it and is entitled to credit and/or payment.
  D) you can do so without permission unless you have to pay to download it.
  E) add it with an embedded link.

Ques. 5

Use a ________ to show frequency or distribution of parts in a whole.
  A) line chart
  B) bar chart
  C) histogram
  D) flowchart
  E) pie chart
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: D
Explanation: D) Given the importance of visuals in today's business environment, visual literacythe ability (as a sender) to create effective images and (as a receiver) to correctly interpret visual messageshas become a key business skill.

Answer to #2

Answer: C
Explanation: C) Many colors, shapes, and other design elements have visual symbolism, and their symbolic, connotative meanings can evolve over time and mean different things in different cultures.

Answer to #3

Answer: D
Explanation: D) In the numbers-oriented world of work, people rely heavily on trend lines, distribution curves, and other visual presentations of numeric quantities. Visuals attract and hold people's attention, helping your audience understand and remember your message. Busy readers often jump to visuals to try to get the gist of a message, and attractive visuals can draw readers more deeply into your reports and presentations. Using pictures is also an effective way to communicate with the diverse audiences that are common in today's business environment.

Answer to #4

Answer: C
Explanation: C) Just as with textual information you find online, you can't simply insert online photographs into your documents. Unless they are specifically offered for free, you have to assume that someone owns the photos and is entitled to payment or at least a photo credit.

Answer to #5

Answer: E
Explanation: E) Use a pie chart when you need to show frequency or distribution of parts in a whole.
bottle Author
6 years ago
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