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ejbrack01 ejbrack01
Posts: 366
Rep: 0 0
6 years ago
A check register shows a balance of 370.25 . The bank statement shows interest of 2.32 credited to the account and a service charge of 7.50 charged against the account. Compute the adjusted cash balance of the check register.

Q. 2

Stock of the XYZ Corporation has a par value of 50 . If the corporation pays a 5 dividend, compute the amount of the dividend paid to the owner of 160 shares.

Q. 3

A check register shows a balance of 170.35 . The bank statement shows interest of 1.42 credited to the account and a service charge of 6.50 charged against the account. Compute the adjusted cash balance of the check register.

Q. 4

Stock of the ABC Corporation has a par value of 30 . If the corporation pays a 6 dividend, compute the amount of the dividend per share.

Q. 5

A bank statement shows a balance of 198.37 . The check register of the account owner shows outstanding deposits of 12.70, 134.65, and 190.00 . Compute the adjusted cash balance of the bank statement.

Q. 6

Assume a differential rate 12.5 cents for odd lot sales and purchases. Brian purchased 160 shares of PTG stock at 20 . Commission charges were 0.20 per share. Compute the total purchase costs.

Q. 7

A check register shows a balance of 995.57 . The bank statement shows a charge of 10 for a photocopy of a check as requested by the account owner, a regular service charge of 6.50, and a special charge of 12.00 for the printing of personalized checks. The bank statement also shows that interest of 1.49 was paid by the bank. Compute the adjusted cash balance of the check register.
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6 years ago
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