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CarlosSerr213 CarlosSerr213
Posts: 354
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6 years ago
The markup on a chair is 28 of the sale price. If the desk sells for 738.25, what was the cost?

Q. 2

Janice Harris wants to buy a home. She has narrowed the choice down to a 125,000 home in Summerton and a 138,000 home in Lionsville. With regard to property taxes, Summerton has an assessment rate of 100 and a tax rate of 1.86 per 100 of assessed value, while Lionsville has an 80 assessment rate and a tax rate of 22.6 mills. Which house has the higher property tax, and by how much? (Round to the nearest cent)

Q. 3

Mid West Appliances buys washers for 369 each. If a 43 markup based on cost is desired, what should be the selling price of the washer?

Q. 4

Darrick Johnson wants to buy a home. He has narrowed the choice down to a 245,000 home in Sweet Oak and a 282,000 home in Cherry Hill. With regard to property taxes, Sweet Oak has an assessment rate of 90 and a tax rate of 1.45 per 100 of assessed value, while Cherry Hill has a 70 assessment rate and a tax rate of 19.4 mills. Which house has the higher property tax, and by how much? (Round to the nearest cent)

Q. 5

The markup on a dining room table is 30 of the sale price. If the table sells for 1348, what was the cost?

Q. 6

Manuel owns some property which has an assessed value of 85,800. Find the tax due if the tax rate is 5.75 of the assessed value.
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Posts: 205
Rep: 2 0
6 years ago
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