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Vhansen02 Vhansen02
Posts: 346
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6 years ago
Refer to Exhibit 8-4. A researcher using a five-point rating scale to assess kindergartners' creativeness in their drawing gives only ratings of 4 or 5.
  a. Observer bias
  b. Error of leniency
  c. Error of central tendency
  d. Halo effect
  e. Contamination

Ques. 2

Refer to Exhibit 8-4. A researcher who observes a student speaking rudely to her teacher rates that student very low on a number of behavioral traits.
  a. Observer bias
  b. Error of leniency
  c. Error of central tendency
  d. Halo effect
  e. Contamination

Ques. 3

Refer to Exhibit 8-4. A researcher strongly opposed to inclusion must make frequency counts of various interactions in a classroom with a number of disabled students.
  a. Observer bias
  b. Error of leniency
  c. Error of central tendency
  d. Halo effect
  e. Contamination

Ques. 4

To select the most discriminating items for a Likert-type attitude scale, one would administer the items to a pilot group and then calculate the correlations between
  a. item scores and total scores.
  b. scores on the odd and even items.
  c. scores on the positively stated and the negatively stated items.
  d. scores on the scale and scores on criterion measuring the same attitudes.

Ques. 5

Consider two statements from a Likert attitude scale measuring attitudes toward medical use of marijuana: (1) Marijuana should be legal for medical use; (2) Marijuana should not be legalized even for medical use . A student marked SA to the first statement, and SD to the second statement. What is this student's score based on these two statements?
  a. 2
  c. 8
  b. 6
  d. 10

Ques. 6

The most important question a researcher should ask when evaluating a standardized achievement test is:
  a. how much does the test cost?
  b. what skills and knowledge are measured by the test?
  c. how reliable are the scores from the test?
  d. what kinds of norms are reported for the test?
  e. how much time does the test take to administer?

Ques. 7

When considering the use of the norms accompanying a published test, the most important question the researcher should ask is
  a. are the norms based on a large and representative sample?
  b. what population does the norm group represent?
  c. what kinds of scores are used to report the norms?
  d. how reliable are the norms?

Ques. 8

Which of the following is likely to increase a scale's reliability?
  a. Well-trained raters
  b. Several raters making independent ratings
  c. Clearly defined categories
  d. Adequate time to observe individual(s)
  e. All of these are true.

Ques. 9

The single characteristic that all rating scales have in common is that
  a. the rater assigns a numerical value to the object, person, or thing being rated.
  b. the rater places that which is being rated somewhere on a continuum.
  c. the interval between any two points on the scale is always equal.

Ques. 10

A major problem with observational research is that
  a. it cannot be used with young children.
  b. only the simplest type of behavior can be observed.
  c. the presence of the observer may change the subject's behavior.
  d. no standardized instruments are available for use with observation.

Ques. 11

Objectivity as it refers to measuring instruments means
  a. adequacy of sampling.
  b. relationship to a criterion.
  c. freedom from scorer opinions.
  d. accuracy of prediction.
  e. availability of norms.
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