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LMauney@UOR LMauney@UOR
Posts: 327
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6 years ago
Explain why storybook reading plays such an important role in children's early literacy development.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

Reliability refers to the extent to which an assessment really measures what it claims to measure.
  a. True
  b. False

Ques. 3

How would you teach in the writing center?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

The shared writing strategy helps children realize __________.
  a. that what is said can be written down in print
  b. that they can work cooperatively with peers
  c. that print can be read back as oral language
  d. a and c

Ques. 5

How can parent's best facilitate their children's oral language development?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

How do teachers monitor and organize for students' reading success?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 7

What does a G3G5 reading program look like?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 8

What is the content of reading in grades 35?
  What will be an ideal response?
Read 57 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

The adult helps the child negotiate the meaning of the text, assisting by relating the content to personal experiences, providing information, asking questions, and setting expectations. Children learn that print has meaning, tells a story, and/or provides useful information.

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

A writing center is that area of the classroom where the teacher has a wide variety of writing materials that invite children to write.

In the writing center, the teacher is a co-writer, working alongside the children and modeling the writing process, informally teaching children about the forms (letters, thank-you notes) and features (spelling, letter formation) of print. As a skilled writer, the teacher can teach children as he or she writes by casually talking about lettersound relationships, how to begin a letter, or what might be said in a letter.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5

Parents can promote their children's oral language by scaffolding their language, encouraging them to turn their experiences into personal, reading stories to them on a regular basis, and by monitoring their children's television consumption and encouraging active viewing.

Answer to #6

Reading assessment is increasingly linked to content area reading skills and individual growth in self-assessment to monitor reading performance. Classroom organization for reading instruction should include a mix of small-group instruction, peer/group learning, and self-directed learning that is supported in a participatory environment that provides access to traditional print and digital materials and experiences.

Answer to #7

Teachers organize instruction around a model-engage-practice-reinforce/reflect approach that focuses on tapping and developing students' background knowledge, strengthening vocabulary and setting purposes for reading, developing robust silent reading skills, engaging students in challenging discussion activities that exercise higher-order thinking skills, and reinforcing reading in follow-through activities that stimulate thought and reflection. Several research-based techniques and strategies are commonly used across different types of reading programs (e.g., reading workshop) in daily reading lessons.

Answer to #8

Content focuses on helping students know and use skills related to word meaning and sentence meaning, text organization and deriving meanings, making judgments and reading critically, and developing habits of lifelong reading. Reading to learn techniques provide specific guidance in activating background knowledge, adding to background knowledge, developing vocabulary, setting purposes for reading, monitoring silent reading, and following through to reinforce and consolidate comprehension.
LMauney@UOR Author
6 years ago
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