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nano nano
Posts: 369
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6 years ago
An identified teacher characteristic that contributes to a positive classroom environment is
  a. decreasing student responsibility for learning.
  b. establishing normative grading.
  c. expectancy for student success.
  d. reduction of feedback for student errors.

Ques. 2

List the three drawbacks of essay testing described in the text.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

All of the following are characteristics of the classroom ability game described by Covington except that
  a. only a few high grades are available.
  b. the classroom is focused on intellectual development.
  c. they contribute to performance-avoidance goals.
  d. they foster the belief that self-worth and success are related.

Ques. 4

Describe why the educational level of parents can be important to a child's school performance.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

In attribution theory, the belief that outcomes are independent of one's actions is known as
  a. inadequate self-image.
  b. learned helplessness.
  c. low self-concept.
  d. personal inefficacy.

Ques. 6

An entity theory of intelligence is most likely associated with which personal goal orientation?
  a. learning
  b. mastery
  c. performance
  d. task-focused
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

(1) scoring essay tests takes far longer than scoring objective tests; (2) students' writing ability is likely to be a strong contributor to their grade on an essay; (3) scoring can be highly subjective

Answer to #3


Answer to #4

Better educated parents tend to encourage their children to perform better and take more time discussing current events. They also tend to speak and communicate at a higher level than other parents. The better educated the parent, the more likely they are to have a higher income and therefore they are able to afford better schools and activities such as camps for their children. This will encourage their children to be more eager to learn.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6

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