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knbst12 knbst12
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6 years ago
Mr. Castillo's second grade class is quite diverse, and his students represent a wide range of abilities. He believes that flexible grouping is the most effective way to differentiate and reach the most students. In order to use flexible grouping effectively and follow the recommended guidelines of expert educators, Mr. Castillo should do all of the following EXCEPT:
  a. Form and re-formgroups based on students' current performance in the subject.
  b. Use flexible grouping and group by ability for all subjects.
  c. Provide appropriately different instruction for the different groups.
  d. Discourage comparisons between groups of students.

Ques. 2

Ms. Boudreaux is choosing math tutorials to use in her inclusive fourth grade classroom. Should she choose programs with universal design? Why or why not?
  a. Yes, universal design considers the needs of all users and works for students with disabilities.
  b. No, universal design applies to reading and language arts curriculum but not math.
  c. Yes, universal design is particularly effective with dyslexic students.
  d. No, universal design is particularly effective for students with hearing impairment, but is not suitable for hearing students.

Ques. 3

Mrs. Orozco wants to learn how to conduct class discussions effectively in her literature class. She should do all of the following EXCEPT:
  a. allow students time to think before asking for responses.
  b. ask students to defend their positions.
  c. direct student comments and questions back to the teacher.
  d. judge the reactions of students in the classroom when a student finishes speaking.

Ques. 4

Mr. Nguyen gives the following feedback to Shawna: You are creating interesting slides. Check your rubric to see if you have met all the criteria for the assignment. What type of feedback is this?
  a. Self-feedback
  b. Task feedback
  c. Process feedback
  d. Self-regulation feedback

Ques. 5

Which of the following teachers is using direct instruction?
  a. Mrs. Wiggins uses centers with one unit to integrate writing, science, and math.
  b. Ms. Canfield puts words on a word wall to help students use them in their writing.
  c. Mrs. Gomez divides students into groups to work on a complex task.
  d. Mr. O'Malley presents a mini-lecture about a new concept in science.

Ques. 6

Mrs. Martinez is a new third grade teacher. Before school started, she reviewed the entire math text and planned her approach for the year. Now she moves methodically from lesson to lesson and hopes to cover all chapters by the end of the year.She knows the subject of math very well and has never had problems understanding math concepts. This week, she began teaching the lesson for week nine. She presented the new concept, and students seemed to be confused. She didn't see how they could be confused, but she repeated the same presentation. After her presentation, most of her students were unable to complete the practice problems. What is most likely the problem with Mrs. Martinez's lesson?
  a. She most likely overplanned and lacked flexibility.
  b. She seems to lack understanding of instructional objectives.
  c. She most likely failed to plan sufficientlyat the weekly and daily levels.
  d. She seems to lack the ability to provide affective support.

Ques. 7

The national Common Core Standards have been adopted by many states. Why might implementation pose problems for teachers, students, and schools?
  a. Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) disagree on standards.
  b. The high expectations of the Common Core Standards do not match current curricula and texts.
  c. Common Core Standards do not state clear, understandable, and consistent goals.
  d. Common Core Standards are not based on research and will not help students compete in a global context.
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