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mvast mvast
Posts: 325
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6 years ago
Which of the following is an example of an alpha request?
  a. Penny, I need you to put your pencil in your desk and get out your math book. I've already told you this one time. Get ready for the next activity. You'll need your math book and your math notebook.
  b. Rachel, please tidy up and put your things back into your desk. Where does all this stuff come from? It's starting to look like you're having a garage sale.
  c. Michael, you're usually among the first to be seated and ready for our lesson to begin. Would you please make sure that your desk is cleared and that you've got your thinking cap on?
  d. Jamil, when you hear the timer chime, you've got 15 seconds to open your notebook to a clean piece of paper.

Ques. 2

Crystal is a middle school student who often struggles to complete any assignment that requires her to generate original ideas, such as the narrative writing the class does during their language arts period. Mr. Wasniecki has introduced self-instruction to Crystal in hopes of enhancing her resilience in completing this work. Which of the following utterances best illustrates the sort of self-instruction you might expect to hear from Crystal?
  a. I only have to do this sort of writing once in a while, and our language arts period will be over soon.
  b. If I do this writing, Mr. Wasniecki will make a mark on my clipboard and I'll earn free time.
  c. I shouldn't worry about this assignment, as it's not going to count for much of my grade.
  d. First, I'll just jot down any words that come to mind when I read the question.

Ques. 3

Kathleen struggles with an assignment that requires her to be part of a group presentation. She is very invested in presenting her own ideas in her own way and tends to devalue other group members' contributions. When she becomes frustrated about the direction a group assignment is taking, Kathleen says, They don't like me and they won't listen to my ideas. Laudene, Kathleen's one-on-one assistant, has observed the group's work on multiple occasions; she believes that Kathleen's ideas are respected and that the other members of the group are positive and fair with her. Laudene decides to work with Kathleen to help her develop alternative behaviors in this situation. Which of the following actions would Laudene most likely recommend that Kathleen take?
  a. When you feel yourself getting frustrated, take five deep breaths and remind yourself that the goal of group work is for each student to contribute some ideas.
  b. When the other members of your group are making you feel uncomfortable, tell them that you would appreciate it if they would stop the problem behavior.
  c. When you feel the other members of your group are not listening to your ideas, come and tell me, and I'll help them understand.
  d. When you feel yourself becoming upset, ask your teacher if you could be allowed to do an individual presentation instead of engaging with the group.

Ques. 4

What is the best statement about basic rules?
  a. Basic rules which are necessary for the welfare of all students should be posted and discussed the first day of school, and if necessary, taught during the first several days of school.
  b. Basic rules should not exist  students should be free to make up their own rules (that way, they will be more likely to obey them).
  c. Basic rules should not exist  such rules stifle students' individuality and creativity.
  d. Some teachers need basic rules; other teachers are sufficiently skillful that rules are not needed.

Ques. 5

If a student refuses to acknowledge that a behavior is problematic, or to otherwise engage in the problem solving process after repeated attempts to involve her, the teacher should
  a. confront the student with the logical consequences of the behavior and explain why their implementation will be necessary.
  b. require the student to sit apart from the classroom and complete a behavior reflection form before she will be allowed to return to the group.
  c. administer consequences for the defiance as well as for the initial misbehavior.
  d. provide the student with a plan for behavior change and ask her to consider following it.

Ques. 6

You regularly use problem solving in your classroom. One day, after misbehavior occurs between Paolo and Flavia, you ask Paolo to describe the problematic situation from his perspective. He angrily refuses to engage in a dialogue. The text authors recommend that you first
  a. complete an office referral for him, as he has compounded his misbehavior with outright defiance.
  b. provide him with a choice of consequences, each of which stems logically from the misbehavior.
  c. ask him to think about it for a little while and tell him that you will revisit the topic later.
  d. listen to Flavia's perspective and continue the problem solving process based on her input.

Ques. 7

Which question would be least productive for a teacher to ask when conducting a functional behavioral assessment?
  a. What factors in the home environment could be altered to encourage the student to alter his or her behavior?
  b. What factors in the classroom environment might be contributing to the student's behavior?
  c. Does the student have the skills needed to be able to perform the desired behavior?
  d. In what way does the student feel he/she is benefiting from exhibiting this behavior?

Ques. 8

Effective classroom managers often have to figure out how they can:
  a. make students' differences match their teaching style  students should be flexible in the ways they learn.
  b. equate what they think is best for students and what parents think is best.
  c. match instructional behaviors and management strategies most effectively with students' motivation; self-esteem; and gender, cultural, and developmental characteristics.
  d. have a sense of community and still instill corporal punishment when needed.
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6 years ago
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