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r3r3r r3r3r
Posts: 375
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6 years ago
The authors anticipate that the effective implementation of basic preventative classroom management skills generally leads to a situation in which a teacher
  a. successfully manages the behavior of 98-99 of students in the classes without need for significant in-depth intervention.
  b. has to rely on more individualized intervention strategies with 5-7 of his or her students.
  c. reverts to the use of tangible reinforcement with students because it is the method that has been shown to be most effective in permanently altering student behavior.
  d. does not engage in functional behavior assessment and individualized behavioral plans because time spent on these activities is generally discouraged.

Ques. 2

In addition to developing the clearest possible understanding of how students view a problematic situation, teachers must also do all of the following EXCEPT
  a. be attuned to the existence of interpersonal problems.
  b. consider behavioral events in relation to one another and other classroom occurrences.
  c. provide students with a clear plan for remedying the situation.
  d. assist students in generating multiple potential solutions to the problem.

Ques. 3

Which of the following behaviors would most likely NOT be addressed by a typical zero-tolerance policy?
  a. Without her consent, Beth is touched inappropriately by a male student in the hallway.
  b. Marcus copies his test answers from Dennis's paper.
  c. Katrina and Leelah get into an argument and scratch each other's faces severely.
  d. Ian, who takes medication at school for his ADHD, sells Amal two pills during lunch.

Ques. 4

By ignoring minor misbehaviors and praising positive behaviors, these teachers hope that:
  a. negative behaviors will lessen and positive behaviors will increase.
  b. Gathercoal's Judicious Discipline work.
  c. students will not understand that they are being molded into demonstrating good behaviors.
  d. the school year will end and next year's class will be better.

Ques. 5

Which of the following statements about class meetings is false?
  a. The goal is to solve problems and improve class functioning.
  b. In the course of a class meeting, one student may criticize another as long as it is done respectfully.
  c. Student input into the meeting agenda is encouraged.
  d. Students whose behavior causes concern for others may choose whether or not to have their behavior discussed in a class meeting.

Ques. 6

During a class meeting, Renaldo says, I have a concern. Madeleine has been teasing me about my haircut, and it hurts my feelings. As the teacher, your most appropriate response would likely be,
  a. Thanks for sharing that, Renaldo. Madeleine, is there truth to what Renaldo says? And if so, what could we do about it?
  b. How about if the three of us get together and talk about that during a few free minutes today?
  c. We don't tease in this classroom. That must stop right away. Is everyone clear?
  d. I'm sorry to hear that you've been upset. When you tease each other, it makes me feel sad.

Ques. 7

Ideally, the existence of community should:
  a. let students know the benefits of competing for grades and teachers' time and attention.
  b. impress upon students the need for more rules as well as strict obedience  One strike and you're out.
  c. lessen conflicts between educators and students, reduce discipline referrals, and reduce confrontations among students.
  d. be eliminated since a sense of community is vague and hard to define.

Ques. 8

Mr. Phelps regularly uses some class meeting time to ask for students' input about ways that all members of the class, himself included, can improve the way things are working. This practice is
  a. a good one, because it communicates clear respect for student input.
  b. a good one, because it allows Mr. Phelps to gauge which students do and do not like his teaching style.
  c. a poor one, because it reduces Mr. Phelps's authority with the students if they are allowed to make suggestions about his behavior.
  d. a poor one, because instructional time is being sacrificed for the conversation.

Ques. 9

When you ask a student to come up with a strategy to not get in trouble again and he responds with Ill try harder, you should
  a. express your appreciation for this commitment and convey your belief that he will be successful.
  b. tell the student that while you appreciate that commitment, he will need to do more than just try to change his behavior.
  c. remind the student that while you appreciate that commitment, it is vague, and work with him to identify some specific actions/strategies for change.
  d. begin the problem solving process again, deepening the conversation you have in which the student describes the problematic behavior.
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Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 369
Rep: 6 0
6 years ago
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Makes more sense now, TY
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