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6 years ago
When a student has developed a plan and is discussing it with the teacher, the teacher should then ask the student all but which of the following questions?
  a. Does this plan give you something specific you can do to avoid engaging in the misbehavior?
  b. Is your plan safe, fair, and kind to others?
  c. Is there anything I can do to help make sure your plan works?
  d. What do you think should happen if you fail to stick to your plan?

Ques. 2

Although some teachers prefer the security of a school-adopted classroom management model:
  a. other teachers like to implement classroom management strategies that work for them and that reflect their philosophical beliefs.
  b. some teachers to ask the principal for his or her classroom management plan.
  c. some teachers rely entirely on Alfie Kohn's Inner Discipline.
  d. other teachers like to play classroom management by ear and do what seems logical at the time.

Ques. 3

When is appropriate to ignore misbehavior?
  a. when it is short-lived and causes no significant disruption
  b. when the student exhibiting it is likely to respond poorly to intervention
  c. when the teacher is not actively teaching a lesson
  d. when the students in the classroom have learning disabilities and are easily frustrated

Ques. 4

In addition to creating a positive classroom culture, effective classroom managers also:
  a. post strict rules and consequences, so there will not be any misunderstanding about appropriate behavior.
  b. describe their professional ethics, so students will understand their reasoning for decisions.
  c. create a sense of classroom community.
  d. realize that They should not smile until Thanksgiving  that will give students the wrong impression.

Ques. 5

Research has shown Glasser's approach to problem solving to be successful primarily because it helps students do all but which of the following?
  a. understand their behavior and the context in which it occurs
  b. take responsibility for their behavior
  c. develop action plans for changing their behavior and being more successful in school
  d. identify whether the inappropriate behavior indicates dysfunctional thinking

Ques. 6

You've had to interrupt your teaching to ask Crystal to put her phone away. She begins to follow your instruction, but does so extremely slowly. The best thing for you to do in the face of her slow-motion compliance is to
  a. continue on with the lesson.
  b. wait until she has fully complied before resuming the lesson.
  c. tell her to hurry up because she's interfering with others' learning.
  d. send her to the principal because she is being overtly disrespectful.

Ques. 7

The hallmark of a problem solving approach to classroom management is that it demonstrates the teacher's
  a. willingness to consider the contexts that factor into the undesirable behavior and to solicit student input.
  b. effectiveness at establishing himself/herself as the authority figure in the classroom hierarchy.
  c. creativity in developing a continuum of consequences for misbehavior.
  d. insistence on compliance with classroom and school rules and procedures.

Ques. 8

One effective way to redirect misbehaving students is to give them choices, because doing so does all but which of the following?
  a. lets other students know that they will be treated similarly if they misbehave
  b. responds to their need for competence
  c. reduces the perception that someone is trying to control them
  d. gives the students autonomy about the way they redirect their behavior

Ques. 9

Miss Lusk is about to have a private, quiet conversation with Jeffery, who has been argumentative all morning, which is out of character for him. Which statement below is the most appropriate one for her to use to address her concern with Jeffery?
  a. You've been pretty cranky this morning. What's going on?
  b. When you argue with me, it is very upsetting. I'm trying my best to do a good job of teaching you and you're making it a very tough job.
  c. It seems like you might be upset about something, and that worries me. You can tell me about it if you'd like to, and maybe we can figure out a solution.
  d. We have all noticed that you're not feeling like yourself today. Do you want to talk about it?
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6 years ago
SoOoOoOo very smart
4 years ago Edited: 4 years ago, TamiSchalll
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