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lmo12 lmo12
Posts: 357
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6 years ago
Three of the following teacher statements are likely to enhance students' self-efficacy for mastering mathematics. Which one will not necessarily do so?
  A) Look at how easily you can multiply and divide with fractions now. Remember how much trouble you had with fractions last fall? You've come a long way since then
  B) Most of my students last year didn't do well simply because they weren't motivated and didn't want to work hard.
  C) You seem to be having trouble computing the area of a triangle. I think I know what the trouble is. Here, let me show you what you need to do differently.
  D) The right kind of instruction can make all the difference in the world. I'm determined to find out how each of you can best learn mathematical concepts.

Ques. 2

The four statements below all involve evaluating a student's essay. Which one is most likely to preserve the student's sense of autonomy?
  A) Evaluate your first draft using the criteria you identified yesterday as being important for your writing.
  B) This essay is the best one you've written all semester. I think you should include it in the portfolio you're creating for this class.
  C) Your essay is so good that I'd like to submit it to the statewide essay contest.
  D) This essay has the variety of sentence structures that I like to see in my students' writing.

Ques. 3

Which one of the following teaching strategies is most likely to increase students' sense of empowerment?
  A) Mr. Aas reminds his students that they cannot participate in the school's extracurricular sports program if their grade point averages fall below 2.0.
  B) Ms. Brown asks her third graders to develop some class rules to ensure that all class members will have a chance to express their ideas openly.
  C) Mr. Cranwell explains to his middle school students why good writing skills are important in the business world.
  D) Mr. Diaz gives his students enough practice with basic arithmetic facts that they learn them to automaticity.

Ques. 4

Seth seems quite depressed much of the time. When his teacher takes him aside and asks what's wrong, he shrugs his shoulders and responds, I don't know. I've felt sad for as long as I can remember. If you were to take a psychoanalytic approach to Seth's depression, which one of the following hypotheses would you be most likely to have?
  A) Important people in Seth's life (perhaps his parents) typically give him more attention when he acts sad rather than happy.
  B) Seth may have grown up in a family or culture that believes joy and happiness are sinful feelings that must be suppressed.
  C) Unpleasant events in Seth's early childhood (perhaps abuse) are having a negative impact even though he can't recall them.
  D) Seth is biologically prone to depression; perhaps he has a chemical imbalance that could be treated with medication.

Ques. 5

Some motivation theorists believe that human beings have a basic need for relatedness. a. In a paragraph, explain what theorists mean by this concept, and describe three different student behaviors you might see that would indicate a high need for relatedness. b. In three additional paragraphs, describe three different strategies you might use as a teacher to address students' need for relatedness by showing and promoting caring. Be specific as to what you might do.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

A higher-level question asks students to respond in which one of the following ways?
  A) To develop an answer students haven't specifically been taught
  B) To recall information from more advanced classes
  C) To recall information learned several years ago
  D) To engage in both positive and negative transfer

Ques. 7

Most developmental theorists agree that:
  A) Development occurs in stages, with each stage occurring at the same age for all children.
  B) Developmental milestones appear in a consistent sequence for most children.
  C) Physical development occurs in a predictable sequence, but cognitive development does not.
  D) Cognitive development occurs in a predictable sequence, but physical development does not.

Ques. 8

Which one of the following statements best illustrates a universal in development as developmentalists define the term?
  A) Piaget proposed that formal operational thought is characterized by an ability to think abstractly about a wide variety of topics.
  B) Contemporary theorists have derived the concept cognitive apprenticeship from Vygotsky's theory of development.
  C) Young children show similar patterns in their early language development regardless of the specific language that they learn.
  D) Piaget neglected to consider the influence of prior knowledge and experience on children's ability to think logically.

Ques. 9

In which pair of students do we see a distinct difference in cognitive style?
  A) Abby does her assigned readings only if she knows she will be tested on them. In contrast, Adam reads every assignment because he finds the subject matter fascinating.
  B) Bill tries hard to do his best at everything. In contrast, Beth works only at tasks that come easily to her.
  C) Cara enjoys every minute she's at school and approaches each new classroom activity with enthusiasm. In contrast, Connor sits at the back of the classroom uninvolved and mumbling under his breath that every activity is stupid.
  D) During a lecture, David learns more from what the teacher says, whereas Donna can more easily remember the pictures and diagrams the teacher presents.
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6 years ago
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lmo12 Author
6 years ago
Great answers, all of them were right
3 years ago
Thank u
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