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kdkrenik kdkrenik
Posts: 354
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
The textbook recommends that when a teacher talks with a student about a chronic pattern of misbehavior, he or she should do so in private rather than in front of classmates. Why?
  A) Because students need to know that a teacher will devote as much time to misbehavior as necessary
  B) Because the teacher's remarks will be easier for the student to hear clearly
  C) Because calling attention to the behavior in front of classmates may be reinforcing
  D) Because the behavior may be typical for the student's age-group

Ques. 2

Three of the following teacher behaviors illustrate cueing as a way of dealing with inappropriate behavior. Which one does not illustrate cueing?
  A) Moving closer to a student who may be cheating on an exam
  B) Putting a student in time-out after she's insulted a classmate
  C) Putting one's finger on one's lips when the class gets too noisy
  D) Glaring at a student who is reading a comic book instead of getting to work on an assignment

Ques. 3

Stanley pokes his pencil point in Sharon's arm. The teacher gives him a stern look, and Stanley quickly puts his pencil back in his desk. The teacher's behavior is an example of:
  A) Vicarious punishment.
  B) Cueing.
  C) Ignoring.
  D) Positive behavioral interventions.

Ques. 4

Sarah has a habit of talking to herself as she takes tests and completes independent in-class assignments. She talks loudly enough that other students can often hear her answers. Explain how you might use three of the following techniques to reduce this problem behavior: a. Cueing b. Self-monitoring c. Self-reinforcement d. Shaping For each technique, be specific and concrete as to what you might do.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

Explain what psychologists mean when they talk about attributions. Then: a. Explain how students' responses to failure are likely to be different when they attribute that failure to a controllable cause or to an uncontrollable one. Give a concrete example to illustrate your explanation. b. Describe three specific strategies you might use to foster more productive attributions in your students. In each case, explain why you think the strategy will be effective.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

In two separate paragraphs, explain how challenge is involved in (a) the process of equilibration and (b) the concept of zone of proximal development. Give a concrete example to illustrate each discussion.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 7

In recent years some educators have spoken of the need to align educational practice with brain research. To a considerable degree, they speak of the first few years of life as being a sensitive period for brain development, in large part because synaptogenesis, synaptic pruning, and myelination occur during this time. Respond to their line of reasoning by answering the following questions: a. What roles do synaptogenesis, synaptic pruning, and myelination each play in brain development? b. To what extent are these processes exclusive to the first five years of life? c. Do any or all of these processes limit what children can learn once they reach age 5 or 6? If so, in what way(s)? If not, why not?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 8

Mr. Wilson will have a student with an intellectual disability included in his class this year. Her name is Tiffany, and Mr. Wilson is considering what changes he should make to his style of teaching to promote her success. Which one of the following strategies is least likely to be helpful?
  A) Mr. Wilson will structure his lesson plans so that all of the children can work at their own pace as much as possible. This will allow Tiffany to go as slowly as she needs to in order to succeed.
  B) Mr. Wilson will use the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you) to define acceptable behavior in the classroom. He reasons that it will be easier for Tiffany to remember this rule than a more specific list, and it should apply to any unexpected problems that might arise.
  C) Mr. Wilson will have Tiffany work with a parent volunteer three times a week to learn simple addition facts. He gives the volunteer specific guidance about how to help Tiffany remember the facts: Have her say each fact four times in a row and then write the fact four times as well. Review previously learned facts in every session.
  D) Mr. Wilson will make an effort to give Tiffany concrete instructions for new tasks so that she knows exactly what she needs to do.
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