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kingpulley29 kingpulley29
Posts: 307
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6 years ago
On a weekly quiz, Mr. Harris asks students in his auto mechanics class to figure out what is probably wrong with a car when it has a certain set of symptoms. His students have never considered this particular combination of symptoms before, but they know everything they need to know in order to determine what must be wrong. Mr. Harris's test question illustrates the value of a classroom assessment as:
  A) The primary means of promoting intrinsic motivation.
  B) A way of giving concrete feedback to students.
  C) A way of minimizing the negative impact of high-stakes tests.
  D) A learning experience in and of itself.

Ques. 2

Which one of the following illustrates how classroom assessments can affect students' epistemic beliefs?
  A) Susan thinks that art appreciation means memorizing the names of paintings and the artists who painted them because every test in her art appreciation class asks her to label a series of paintings and identify the painter of each one.
  B) Because Geraldine consistently receives low marks on assignments in her history class, she is convinced that her teacher doesn't like her.
  C) Duncan mistakenly believes that how well he does on his weekly spelling tests will be the determining factor affecting whether he is promoted to fourth grade.
  D) Martin has heard that Mr. Stewart's tests are really picky, so he is very anxious when he prepares for his first test in Mr. Stewart's class.

Ques. 3

Three of the following are accurate statements about how classroom assessments either directly or indirectly affect students' learning and achievement. Which statement is not accurate?
  A) The nature of assessment tasks influence how students study classroom material.
  B) Students are more motivated to study classroom material when they know their knowledge of the material will be assessed.
  C) Studying for an assessment facilitates students' memory even for information that they do not specifically study.
  D) Assessments can provide valuable feedback about what students know and what they need to work on.

Ques. 4

Midway through a unit on how mountains are formed, Mr. McDonald gives a brief quiz to find out what students do and don't understand. He plans to focus the next few classes on the things about which students are most confused. Which one of the following does Mr. McDonald's quiz exemplify?
  A) A norm-referenced test
  B) Authentic assessment
  C) A performance assessment
  D) Formative assessment

Ques. 5

David is continually fighting with other children. Devise a plan to eliminate the fighting by using a combination of both reinforcement of incompatible behavior and punishment. In your discussion, be sure to explain: a. What incompatible behavior(s) you will reinforce b. What reinforcer you will use, and why c. What punishment you will use, and why
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

Sam is a very talented dancer; he also shows considerable creativity in his artwork. He finds math and science classes very difficult, but he loves to tell stories and jokes to his many friends. Which view of intelligence is best reflected in Sam's abilities?
  A) The concept of g
  B) Gardner's multiple intelligences
  C) Piaget's theory of cognitive development
  D) Distributed intelligence

Ques. 7

A fourth-grade teacher says, All of my students have strengths in certain areas. For example, some of them are really good at solving math problems. Others are really fast readers. Still others have a marvelous ability to make connections among seemingly very different ideas. And a couple of them are 'walking encyclopedias' of facts about the world. With which one of the following theoretical perspectives is the teacher's statement most consistent?
  A) Cattell's concept of fluid intelligence
  B) Spearman's general factor in intelligence
  C) The Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of cognitive abilities
  D) Distributed intelligence
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