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bryanna1 bryanna1
Posts: 321
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6 years ago
Paula is amazed when she looks at the behaviors and personalities of her two children. Her 11-year-old daughter is assertive, likes to be the center of attention, is almost hypercompetitive, and always willing to take risks. Paula's daughter will argue a point when she thinks she is right and can even be stubborn at times. She seems much older than her eleven years of age and always ends up in the captain or leadership role. In contrast, Paula's 9-year-old son is very passive, avoids having his picture taken, hates to be the center of attention, seems to like reflection over action, will not take risks and typically avoids opportunities for adventure. Paula finds it hard to believe her two children are biologically related. She is convinced she raised them in the same type of environment and utilized the same principles of reinforcement and punishment. How might you use social cognitive theory to explain some of the differences in behavior and personality of Paula's children?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

Rosemary and David are a young military couple, who just had their first child. Unfortunately, David was recently deployed to a foreign country and is not able to return to the United States for three months. He is very sad that he will not see his daughter for the first three months of her life. Rosemary would love to stay home full time with her new daughter, but financially she needs to work. In fact, Rosemary averages 50 hours per week at her job as the assistant manager of the theater in a nearby town. Jobs in her area are still hard to find, so Rosemary is willing to make the 45-minute drive to the theater. Unfortunately, the long work hours and commute limit the amount of time Rosemary can spend with her newborn daughter. She has a close friend who takes care of her daughter when she is at work. Rosemary fears she will not bond with her daughter and their relationship will always lack closeness. According to ethological or attachment theorists, what might be the concerns regarding Rosemary's inability to spend quality time with her newborn? Also, based on Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory, what might be a concern for the child's psychosocial development?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 3

Media is a common source of information about research findings, though it is not the best source. Most of the errors in media coverage of research are errors of:
  a. omission of details.
  b. assessment bias.
  c. authority of authors of the research.
  d. cultural sensitivity.

Ques. 4

We can have confidence in the results of studies published in journals because:
  a. Research articles published in professional journals have gone through a peer-review process.
  b. Articles published in a journal are typically more focused than articles published via the internet.
  c. Only quantitative scientifically-based research is published in journal articles.
  d. Authors who publish journal articles must first be approved by the editorial board prior to submitting their manuscript for review.

Ques. 5

Dr. Ortiz is directing research in which negative behaviors of minority children are being studied. Several parents of minority children voiced a common complaint about the research. Which of the following most likely relates to their complaint?
  a. The research was not conducted during school hours.
  b. Research did not include the development of social programs for the children and parents.
  c. Negative behaviors were being studied, but not positive behaviors.
  d. The testing did not guarantee solutions to children's problems.

Ques. 6

Paula has a history of hemophilia in her family. She was extremely relieved when the tests from her ______________ test revealed that her fetus is healthy and does not show evidence of being at risk for hemophilia.
  a. alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
  b. amniocentesis
  c. ultra-sound imaging
  d. DNA

Ques. 7

Percy, a researcher, administered his test to his target population on two consecutive days in order to make sure he got the same results each time he used the test. What was Percy proving about the test?
  a. validity
  b. reliability
  c. absence of bias
  d. trustworthiness
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3 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Based on Bandura's theories (Social Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory), incentives affect performance. Paula's children may have different incentives for exhibiting certain behaviors. The son may have learned assertive behaviors but lack motivation to display those behaviors. According to Bandura, cognitive factors are essential to learning, both vicarious learning and enactive learning. Paula's son may have tried the behaviors his sister exhibits and experienced negative consequences for his behavior (either natural consequences or consequences imposed by someone else). Also consider that his self-efficacy may not match that of his sister. His sister is older and exhibits abilities he has not achieved. He may feel incapable.

Answer to #2

Based on a biological perspective, ethological or attachment theorists would have concerns that the young couple are missing an important critical period of bonding. Relying on evidence from early studies with animals, ethological theorists believe humans also engage in imprinting or attachment during the early weeks and months of life. Thus, infants will stay close to their nurturing care giver and follow them everywhere. Attachment theorists suggest that if this imprinting experience does not occur, the child may encounter adjustment issues later. Erik Erickson takes a slightly different approach. However, he also believes there is a critical period in infancy when the child needs to resolve a psychosocial crisis and develop a healthy trust. In his stage trust versus mistrust, Erikson claims infants must develop a sense of trust and know that their needs will be met and they will be comforted. The concern is that the mother spend enough time with her infant for the child to develop trust.

Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7

bryanna1 Author
6 years ago
The fact that I can't marry you for this saddens me.
6 years ago
Let's keep this professional  Monkey
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