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ashleyltd27 ashleyltd27
Posts: 341
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
One strategy for maintaining a productive classroom environment is to keep students productively engaged at all times. Three of the following practices reflect this strategy. Which one does not?
  a. Ms. Aguilar makes sure that all the equipment students need for their science lab is ready for them before they arrive.
  b. Mr. Barnard keeps his art lesson moving along at a steady pace.
  c. Ms. Cunitz takes time out from her math lesson to help Sam with a difficult concept until he thoroughly understands it.
  d. Mr. Dunbar plans several simple activities for his students on their first day of kindergarten.

Ques. 2

As we have discovered, challenging tasks are often the ones that are most likely to promote students' learning and cognitive development. Yet students sometimes resist such challenges.
  Which one of the following is consistent with the textbook's recommendation for how to incorporate challenging activities into the classroom curriculum?
   a. Start the year with relatively easy tasks that give students a sense of success, then gradually increase the difficulty level of assignments.
   b. Start the year with few if any requirements, allowing students to feel comfortable in their new classroom, and then begin assigning challenging tasks after a week or two.
   c. Start the year with extremely difficult assignments, then make them slightly easier after a few days.
   d. Explain to students that they have little to gain from doing things they already know how to do.

Ques. 3

Three of the following strategies may help promote a sense of community in the classroom. Which strategy is least likely to promote this sense of community?
  a. Encouraging prosocial behavior
  b. Providing opportunities for students to tutor one another on difficult subject matter
  c. Incorporating students' ideas into classroom discussions
  d. Publicly praising students who consistently outperform their classmates

Ques. 4

Which one of the following is consistent with the textbook's recommendations regarding establishing rules and procedures for the classroom?
  a. Begin with a few basic rules and procedures; as the year goes on, involve students in decision making about additional issues that arise.
  b. Allow students to establish all rules for daily classroom routines and procedures.
  c. Make a complete list of expectations for students' behavior; distribute and explain it on the first day of class.
  d. In fifth grade and above, have a full academic lesson on the first day; most students at this level already know what behaviors are acceptable in the classroom.

Ques. 5

Students are most likely to follow classroom rules if they understand the reasons behind the rules. Below are four possible ways teachers might help students learn why a few rules for classroom behavior are essential.
  Which one is most consistent with recommendations offered in the textbook?
   a. If students are capable of deductive reasoning, explain the logic behind each rule and procedure.
   b. Have students discuss problems that arise in the classroom and develop possible ways of solving them.
   c. Describe what a classroom with no rules and procedures would be like.
   d. Let the class operate without rules for the first week or two.

Ques. 6

Which one of the following teacher statements is most consistent with the recommendation that classroom rules and procedures should be presented in an informational, rather than controlling, manner?
  a. You should always do your math homework on wide-ruled paper and make sure your answers are lined up in rows that are easy for me to grade.
  b. When you write your compositions, remember that I can read what you've written more easily and can give you more useful feedback if you write clearly.
  c. Remember to do your own work on this assignment. This is not like the cooperative activity we did yesterday.
  d. Tomorrow you should bring in a newspaper or magazine article about one of the countries we are studying in current events this week.

Ques. 7

Mr. Finke is concerned about Ruth, a sullen, argumentative third grader who shows little interest in school subject matter and classroom assignments.
  She is so rude and defiant that Mr. Finke finds himself speaking to her only to chastise her for wrongdoings. Mr. Finke realizes that his relationship with Ruth has gotten off to a bad start and vows to remedy the situation. Three of the following strategies are consistent with the textbook's recommendations for addressing nonproductive teacher-student relationships. Which one is not consistent with its recommendations?
   a. Seek the permission of Ruth's parents to take her to her favorite fast-food restaurant for lunch on a Saturday afternoon.
   b. Meet privately with Ruth to talk about her behavior and find out what her concerns are.
   c. Hold Ruth to less stringent rules for behavior until she and Mr. Finke can form a more productive relationship.
   d. Confer with fellow teachers about Ruth's behavior and jointly generate hypotheses that might yield effective remedies.

Ques. 8

From a classroom management standpoint, which one of the following statements describes the most suitable physical arrangement of a classroom?
  a. One that minimizes distractions and facilitates teacher-student interactions
  b. One that has as little furniture as possible so that students can move about in an unrestricted fashion
  c. One that is structured and orderly enough to communicate the message that the teacher must ultimately be in control of what happens in the classroom
  d. One that allows students to feel as relaxed as possible

Ques. 9

Which one of the following does the textbook suggest as a strategy that teachers can use to demonstrate that they care for and respect their students?
  a. Remind students periodically that if they need someone to talk to, they should feel free to make an appointment to see the school counselor.
  b. Give each student at least three compliments every day.
  c. Take students aside individually at least once a week and ask them how things are going at home.
  d. Express concern and willingness to help if a student appears angry or upset.

Ques. 10

Three of the following teacher behaviors are consistent with the textbook's suggestions for communicating caring and respect for students. Which one is not?
  a. Ms. Avanti comes to school every day with her lessons carefully thought through and well prepared.
  b. Mr. Banyard gives assignments that he knows students can complete independently with little effort.
  c. Mr. Cranston gives students several criteria they can use to evaluate their own performance on homework assignments.
  d. Twice a week Ms. Delacorte writes responses to students' entries in their class journals.

Ques. 11

Four students are telling one another about their new teachers. From the perspective of the textbook, which student is describing the most effective classroom climate?
  a. Adele says, My teacher is really cool. He pretty much lets us do our own thing. He doesn't pressure us if we don't feel like paying attention. In fact, one girl was crying in the corner the other day, and he didn't say a word to her.
  b. Brandon says, My teacher is a little scary at times. When Harry came in late one day, she looked over her reading glasses at him until he crawled into his seat, and she suggested that if he was late again, he might as well not show up.
  c. Chelsey says, My teacher makes class really fun. He tells lots of jokes to make us laugh. If we don't get anything done one day, we just try to do twice as much the next day.
  d. Darren says, Marianne came in late yesterday looking really upset. My teacher stopped for a minute to talk quietly with her but didn't give her much static about being late for class.
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