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wayneyoo wayneyoo
Posts: 304
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6 years ago
The form of knowledge that includes concept names, facts, dates, and other organized bodies of information is best described as learning:
  a. declarative knowledge.
  b. procedural knowledge.
  c. situational knowledge.
  d. conditional knowledge.

Ques. 2

You're driving home from class, and when you get close to home you realize that you don't remember making some of the turns necessary to get home. Which of the following is the best explanation for why you can't remember making the turns?
  a. Your route home never made it into long-term memory, so you are unable to retrieve the information.
  b. Your phonological loop in working memory didn't make the decision about making the turns.
  c. You made the turns automatically, so you are unable to remember the process of turning.
  d. Driving imposed too heavy a cognitive load on your working memory, so you can't remember making the turns.

Ques. 3

Research indicates that expert teachers have their students practice routines, such as how to turn in papers, make transitions, and line up for lunch and dismissal, to the point where they can perform the routine essentially without thinking about it. Using the model of human memory as a basis, which of the following is the best explanation for the effectiveness of well-established routines?
  a. The routines increase the capacity of sensory memory.
  b. The routines are forms of declarative knowledge that are encoded into the students' central executive.
  c. The routines create an improved link between the teacher's and the students' sensory memories and working memories.
  d. The routines reduce the cognitive load on the teacher's and the students' working memories.

Ques. 4

We read a convoluted statement such as, I know that you are not unaware of my inability to speak German. Of the following, which statement best explains why we struggle to try to figure out exactly what the speaker meant?
  a. The statement exceeds the capacity of sensory memory.
  b. The statement imposes a heavy cognitive load on working memory.
  c. The statement exceeds the capacity of long-term memory.
  d. The statement cannot be processed by our central executive.

Ques. 5

Learning or practicing information or operations to the point where they can be used with little mental effort is referred to as:
  a. encoding.
  b. retrieval.
  c. automaticity.
  d. perception.

Ques. 6

Cognitive load can be reduced by all of the following except:
  a. chunking.
  b. automaticity.
  c. rehearsal.
  d. dual processing.

Ques. 7

Cognitive load is primarily a concern for which of the following memory stores?
  a. Sensory memory
  b. Episodic memory
  c. Long-term memory
  d. Working memory

Ques. 8

Rodney, a new student in your school, is described as being mildly intellectually handicapped. and he is mainstreamed into your class. If he fits the characteristics for this description, which of the following is the most accurate statement?
  a. His intellectual functioning will be about average, but he will have difficulty with a particular basic skill, such as reading, and his IEP will focus on extra assistance in this area.
  b. While his intellectual functioning will be about average, he will have trouble functioning effectively in the general education classroom, and his IEP will focus on helping him develop basic social skills.
  c. His intellectual functioning will be significantly limited, and his IEP will focus on his mastering basic academic skillsreading, writing, and math.
  d. His intellectual functioning will be significantly limited, and his IEP will focus both on basic academic skillsreading, writing, and mathas well as the skills needed to function in society.

Ques. 9

As you're writing, you temporarily hold information in your memory system until it can be included in your essay. The part of your working memory system that performs this function is:
  a. the central executive.
  b. the phonological loop.
  c. the visual-spatial sketchpad.
  d. the rehearsal loop.

Ques. 10

You're in the process of writing an essay that makes and defends an argument. The part of your working memory system that makes the decision about what evidence to use to defend your argument is:
  a. the central executive.
  b. the phonological loop.
  c. the visual-spatial sketchpad.
  d. the rehearsal loop.

Ques. 11

Of the following, the best description of adaptive behavior is:
  a. a students' ability to adapt to the rigors of academics in school.
  b. a person's ability to perform the functions of everyday living.
  c. a person's ability to learn new ideas and solve problems.
  d. a person's ability to work with and get along with others.
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6 years ago
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