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megnogz megnogz
Posts: 363
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6 years ago
Which one of the following alternatives is the best example of service learning?
  a. Struggling readers in a first-grade class spend three days a week with parent volunteers who provide one-on-one tutoring in basic reading skills.
  b. A group of young boys develop a business in which they mow the lawns of their neighbors to make extra spending money.
  c. Students in a fourth-grade class work in small cooperative groups to help one another make sense of challenging reading material.
  d. Students in a biology class collect samples of local pond water, evaluate them for bacteria content, and report their findings to the city health department.

Ques. 2

The textbook describes Patricia Alexander's theory regarding the development of expertise. Which one of the following statements best characterizes Alexander's theory?
  a. People develop expertise primarily by turning verbal codes and images into propositions and productions.
  b. People develop expertise primarily by learning certain skills and practicing them over and over until they can perform the skills almost without thinking.
  c. The development of expertise is characterized by a series of five stages of increasingly abstract problem-solving strategies.
  d. The development of expertise is characterized by the acquisition of more and better integrated knowledge about a topic.

Ques. 3

Which one of the following is the best example of an authentic activity?
  a. Listing four different kinds of sedimentary rocks
  b. Designing a bridge using principles of physics
  c. Putting definitions of new terms in your own words
  d. Discussing reasons why World War II occurred

Ques. 4

According to the Uri Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, which of the following is an example of a child's microsystem?
  a. The country in which the child lives
  b. The leader of the country in which the child lives
  c. The relationship between the child and his or her parents
  d. The relationship between the child's parents and his or her school

Ques. 5

Which one of the following strategies is most likely to help students learn from a discovery learning activity?
  a. Making sure students always remain in equilibrium
  b. Providing some structure to guide students' explorations
  c. Providing an abstract overview of the discovery session ahead of time
  d. Encouraging students to interpret their observations in ways that confirm their initial expectations

Ques. 6

Which one of the following situations best illustrates situated learning?
  a. Twelve-year-old Andrew bakes often at home and can easily figure out how much flour he needs when he cuts in half a cookie recipe that calls for 21/4 cups of flour. Yet Andrew has trouble making similar calculations in his math class.
  b. Ten-year-old Bernita wonders what it would be like to live on a farm rather than in the city. As she sits in class, her mind often wanders to rural locations she has visited only in her dreams.
  c. Sixteen-year-old Calvin has trouble understanding the process of mitosis when his biology teacher describes it in abstract terms. He still finds the concept difficult when, later, the teacher draws a diagram of the process on the chalkboard.
  d. Four-year-old Danetta has trouble understanding that her friend Michael has moved to a community more than a thousand miles away. She keeps insisting that Michael must only be a short car ride away and throws a fit when her mother refuses to drive her to Michael's house.
Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Edition: 5th
Read 170 times
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