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jc123 jc123
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6 years ago
Assigning student roles in groups and then having students rotate through the roles (so each student takes on each role periodically) is an effective way to develop students' skills in a variety of areas.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 2

Students will naturally work efficiently in cooperative learning groups because they enjoy the socialization this format offers.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 3

Jason has difficulty paying attention and staying on task during class. He is not a discipline problem in the sense that he distracts other students. Instead he simply spends his time drawing pictures in his notebook. Nevertheless, he clearly is not achieving important classroom objectives. Explain how you might use each of the following techniques to improve his classroom behavior: a. Cueing b. Contingency contract c. Shaping For each technique, be specific and concrete as to what you might do.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

Sandy smacks Pete on the head. You ask her what happened and she says, He kept grabbing my pencil. Which of the following responses shows effective communication?
  a. Peter, why don't you leave Sandy alone? You're getting Sandy in trouble.
  b. I understand that you're frustrated, but we have a rule against hitting.
  c. Both of you are in big trouble. I'm so tired of you being mean to one another.
  d. If you do it again, I'm going to make you stay after school.

Ques. 5

The textbook speaks of a cultural mismatch that may interfere with a student's ability to succeed in a traditional classroom. Describe the types of mismatches that might occur related to each of these traditional educational practices: a. The daily school time schedule b. Whole-class question-and-answer sessions c. Classroom competition
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

What happens when students do not get the reinforcement they think they will get for behaving in a certain way? What happens when they expect to be punished for something but are not? Describe the effects that the nonoccurrence of expected reinforcement and expected punishment are likely to have on students' later behavior.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 7

Mr. Martinez wants his first-grade students to be able to identify 200 reading words quickly and automatically. Which one of the following techniques will best help his students achieve that goal?
  A) Tell them how important it is for them to know the words.
  B) Explain how the letters of the words are related to their pronunciations.
  C) Explain how some of the letters in the words are silent letters.
  D) Give them lots of practice reading the words.

Ques. 8

In each of the following situations, a person is learning through either reinforcement or punishment. Classify each situation as involving one of these four consequences: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, presentation punishment, or removal punishment. Then explain why you chose the answer you did. a. Because Danielle fails her math class, she is taken off the school dance squad. b. Joe always does his homework assignments as soon as he gets them so he won't have to worry about them anymore. c. Lisa and Fran are giggling together in the back of the classroom. Their teacher scowls at them. They are embarrassed and shut up. d. A teacher finds that by yelling at her students when they get too rowdy, they will settle down and be quiet for a while. (Focus on what is happening to the teacher.)
  What will be an ideal response?
Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Edition: 5th
Read 66 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

False. Teachers often must teach the skills students need to work effectively in cooperative groups.

Answer to #3

a. Cueing involves providing a signal that a particular behavior should stop. The response should describe giving a particular signal to Jason that he is not attending to classroom activities or his schoolwork.
b. A contingency contract involves having a teacher and student sign a written contract in which the student agrees to behave in a certain way and the teacher agrees to follow such behavior with a specified reinforcer. The response should describe Jason and his teacher developing and signing such a contract.
c. Shaping involves reinforcing successive approximations to a desired terminal behavior. The response should describe a series of steps through which Jason is reinforced for increasingly more attentive behavior.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5

a. Schools typically run on a rigid time schedulea time to be at school, a time to go to lunch, and so on. Some students have been raised in cultures where punctuality in terms of specific clock time is not expected.
b. Some students are used to interacting with adults in private, one-on-one contexts rather than in a more public setting such as a classroom. Others may feel more comfortable responding to questions as a group rather than individually. (Note: If students have read Chapter 8, they might also mention one or more cultural differences in verbal interaction. For guidance, see the Cultural Considerations box Cultural and Ethnic Differences in Verbal Interaction in Chapter 8.)
c. Many cultures encourage children to work cooperatively with others. This cooperative spirit is inconsistent with the competitive environment of many classrooms.

Answer to #6

The nonoccurrence of expected reinforcement for a behavior is punishing, and the behavior should decrease in frequency. The nonoccurrence of expected punishment for a behavior is reinforcing, and the behavior should increase in frequency.

Answer to #7


Answer to #8

a. This is removal punishment: a pleasant state of affairs (being on the dance squad) is removed after Danielle fails her math class.
b. This is negative reinforcement: Joe is doing his homework in order to get rid of something unpleasant (his feeling of worry).
c. This is presentation punishment: something presented (a scowl) leads to a decrease in giggling behavior.
d. This is negative reinforcement: the teacher's yelling is reinforced by the removal of something she doesn't like (her students' rowdy behavior).
jc123 Author
6 years ago
Makes more sense now, TY
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