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AzureRanthos AzureRanthos
Posts: 310
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6 years ago
Which one of the following does the textbook suggest as a strategy that teachers can use to demonstrate that they care for and respect their students?
  a. Remind students periodically that if they need someone to talk to, they should feel free to make an appointment to see the school counselor.
  b. Give each student at least three compliments every day.
  c. Take students aside individually at least once a week and ask them how things are going at home.
  d. Express concern and willingness to help if a student appears angry or upset.

Ques. 2

Three of the following teacher behaviors are consistent with the textbook's suggestions for communicating caring and respect for students. Which one is not?
  a. Ms. Avanti comes to school every day with her lessons carefully thought through and well prepared.
  b. Mr. Banyard gives assignments that he knows students can complete independently with little effort.
  c. Mr. Cranston gives students several criteria they can use to evaluate their own performance on homework assignments.
  d. Twice a week Ms. Delacorte writes responses to students' entries in their class journals.

Ques. 3

Four students are telling one another about their new teachers. From the perspective of the textbook, which student is describing the most effective classroom climate?
  a. Adele says, My teacher is really cool. He pretty much lets us do our own thing. He doesn't pressure us if we don't feel like paying attention. In fact, one girl was crying in the corner the other day, and he didn't say a word to her.
  b. Brandon says, My teacher is a little scary at times. When Harry came in late one day, she looked over her reading glasses at him until he crawled into his seat, and she suggested that if he was late again, he might as well not show up.
  c. Chelsey says, My teacher makes class really fun. He tells lots of jokes to make us laugh. If we don't get anything done one day, we just try to do twice as much the next day.
  d. Darren says, Marianne came in late yesterday looking really upset. My teacher stopped for a minute to talk quietly with her but didn't give her much static about being late for class.

Ques. 4

As a beginning teacher, you discover that your first class consists of students from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
  Drawing on the discussion of teaching strategies in Chapter 8, describe at least four different instructional strategies that are likely to be effective in your class. For each strategy, present a rationale as to why it is apt to be effective for your diverse group of students.

Ques. 5

Which one of the following classrooms best reflects effective classroom management as the textbook uses the term?
  a. Mr. Alton's students are busily working on their math assignments in groups of three or four students each. When groups get a bit noisy in their discussions of particular problems, Mr. Alton reminds them to use their indoor voices.
  b. While Ms. Berg works with a reading group, most of her other students are doing their assigned seatwork, although a handful of them are giggling in the corner about something that happened on the school bus earlier.
  c. While Ms. Carrera sits at her desk in the front of the classroom, her students are doing assignments independently at their desks. As long as the classroom is quiet, she overlooks the students' whispering, note passing, and mindless doodling.
  d. In his physical education class, Mr. Dupuis works with the students who seem truly interested in learning the long jump. Those students who don't want to try the jump are allowed to sit on the sidelines and talk quietly among themselves.

Ques. 6

Pick a topic that you might effectively teach through a cooperative learning approach. Then, using guidelines presented in the textbook, describe how you will:
  a. Form your cooperative groups
  b. Foster interdependence of group members
  c. Assess what students have learned
  d. Enhance students' ability to work cooperatively with their peers over the long run

Ques. 7

Describe the nature of direct instruction, identifying at least five major components that are typically included. Then give a concrete example of how you might use direct instruction to teach a specific topic,
  being sure to illustrate all five of the components you listed.

Ques. 8

Identify a particular topic that you may someday teach. Now:
  a. Write three instructional objectives for your topic, including at least one that addresses one or more complex cognitive processes. Be sure that your objectives are consistent with the guidelines presented in the textbook.
   b. Choose a suitable approach to instruction for each of your objectives. Justify your decisions.

Ques. 9

You are giving a lecture on a topic you know is difficult for your students. Describe at least one specific strategy you can use to maximize the probability that:
  a. Your students will store the information in their working memories.
  b. The information you present doesn't exceed the limits of students' working memory capacities.
  c. Your students will organize the material effectively.
  d. Your students will elaborate on the things you talk about.

Ques. 10

. The textbook distinguishes between teacher-directed and student-directed forms of instruction. Which one of the following best describes how teachers should view these two approaches?
  a. Generally speaking, teacher-directed instruction is more effective than student-directed instruction.
  b. Generally speaking, student-directed instruction is more effective than teacher-directed instruction.
  c. The best approach depends on the characteristics of the students and the goals of instruction.
  d. Teacher-directed instruction is recommended for the elementary and middle school grades; student-directed instruction is recommended for the high school grades.
Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Edition: 5th
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