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sherryzzzzz sherryzzzzz
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6 years ago
Activities offered to encourage social-emotional understanding can also:
  A. build the childrens knowledge, concepts, and pride of their own family identity.
  B. foster positive views about our multicultural and multilingual society.
  C. respond to the diversity of the childrens cultures and languages.
  D. all of the above

Question 2

Affective (social-emotional understanding) and aesthetic developmental area include the curriculum areas of:
  A. art, creative dramatics, and music.
  B. art, creative dramatics, and social understanding.
  C. art, social understanding, and puppetry.
  D. art, creative dramatics, and music and rhythm.

Question 3

Social understanding topics and activities allow children to develop collaborative behaviors. Describe how you will encourage collaborative behaviors.





  Affective (Social-Emotional Understanding) and Aesthetic Development: Art and Creative Dramatics Activities
  Multiple Choice Questions (10)

  • Affective (social-emotional understanding) and aesthetic developmental area include the curriculum areas of:

  • art, creative dramatics, and music.

  • art, creative dramatics, and social understanding.

  • art, social understanding, and puppetry.

  • art, creative dramatics, and music and rhythm.


  ANS: B

  • Activities offered to encourage social-emotional understanding can also:

  • build the childrens knowledge, concepts, and pride of their own family identity.

  • foster positive views about our multicultural and multilingual society.

  • respond to the diversity of the childrens cultures and languages.

  • all of the above


  ANS: D

  • Early care and learning programs are generally the first group situation outside the family and home and allow children:

  • to function best in large groups.

  • to interact in environments different from their own communities.

  • to gain a sense of community.

  • to develop skills whenever they arrive with abilities to cooperate.


  ANS: C

  • Aesthetics:

  • is an essential part of the early childhood curriculum.

  • provide children with chances to discover nature, beauty, and art.

  • is particularly important for young children because it involves their thinking abilities and not their senses.

  • is most valuable during teacher-guided activities because it is the only time children develop a sense of wonder.


  ANS: A


  • Aesthetic development with art is valuable because:

  • appropriate art activities encourage relaxation, exploration, and pleasure.

  • children benefit when activities are soothing.

  • concepts in other curriculum areas develop while children enjoy aesthetic activities.

  • all of the above


  ANS: D

  • Appreciation of art:

  • limits experiences to art materials in programs for young children.

  • offers school-age children an understanding of design; a topic that is not appropriate for early childhood curriculum.

  • extends childrens experiences to see beauty in nature, their communities, and within their cultures.

  • may not include an activity about ancient art work, a topic beyond preschools cognitive understanding.


  ANS: C

  • Creative dramatics in early childhood programs:

  • includes two categories, dramatic play and sociodramatics.

  • consistently refers to pretending, imagining, and playing.

  • offers young children experiences only in the area of dramatic play.

  • rarely provides young children with opportunities to develop skills besides play behaviors.


  ANS: B

  • Affective development with social understanding may offer children opportunities to:

  • understand themselves, their families, and their communities.

  • acquire prosocial skills.

  • become responsible and caring citizens.

  • all of the above


  ANS: D

  • Social understanding topics and activities for young children:

  • tend to be so sensitive that teachers rarely include them in the curriculum.

  • avoid discussion about gender roles.

  • might discuss the illness of a family member.

  • none of the above


  ANS: C

  • The experiences that strengthen connections and relationships:

  • allow children to appreciate the differences and similarities among other children, adults, and families.

  • focus on movement activities because young children in early care learning programs are not quite ready for discussions about relationships.

  • offer conversations about families but not diversity.

  • require approval of the board of education because of the sensitive topics.


  ANS: A

  Completion Questions (10)
  Terms used in completion questions:


  affective development
  creative dramatics
  dramatic play
  emotional development
  guided drama
  possible outcomes
  social understanding


  • Appropriately planned activities help children develop self-awareness and skills to react and interact positively with others, which is called __________.


  ANS: social understanding

  • Growth and changes in young childrens social and emotional behaviors is referred to as __________.


  ANS: affective development

  • __________ is the description of the behavior that a child may be expected to achieve after participating in the specific activity; includes concepts, skills, and vocabulary as Curriculum Activity Guide elements.


  ANS: Possible outcomes

  • __________ is the developing awareness and responsiveness to beauty in nature and surroundings.


  ANS: Aesthetics

  • When children voluntarily engage in activity by pretending to be someone or something, while acquiring negotiation skills during interaction they are engaging in __________.


  ANS: sociodramatics

  • __________ is adapted as a general term to organize four categories of activities that contribute to affective and aesthetic development of young children: dramatic play, guided drama, puppetry, and sociodramatics.


  ANS: Creative dramatics

  • __________ is the growth and expression of feelings, self-worth, and preferences influenced by heredity, culture, language, region, and era.


  ANS: Emotional development

  • Pantomime or acting out of a poem, short story, or rhyme is __________.


  ANS: guided drama

  • __________ is curriculum area encouraging relaxation, exploration, and aesthetic pleasure with varied experiences ranging from art appreciation to painting and molding.


  ANS: Art

  • Voluntarily observing, participating, and playing in creative activity using imaginary objects and imitating people and surroundings is __________.


  ANS: dramatic play
  Short Essay Question (1)

  • Social understanding topics and activities allow children to develop collaborative behaviors. Describe how you will encourage collaborative behaviors.


  ANS: (answer may include any/all of the following)

  • Respect the children and their families.

  • Limit adventure and media induced toys and materials.

  • Include children in decision making as their age and abilities allow.

  • Provide a safe and secure environment at school.

  • Encourage and promote childrens critical thinking and evaluation about what is presented to them and what is available.

  • Reinforce the childrens positive comments and behaviors with reflected and encouraging statements.

  • Avoid language filled with violent allusions.

  • Promote cooperation.

  • Offer activities with a theme such as Learning About My Friends.


Question 4

Describe the ways you will integrate music and rhythm activities throughout the curriculum for the young children enrolled in your program.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

Material or an object encouraging activity and small motor development; a puzzle is a(n) __________.
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

Question 6

__________ is pouring, placing, holding, stacking, reaching, and assembling; engages childrens fine (small) muscles.
  Fill in the blank with correct word.
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1


Ans. to #2


Ans. to #3

ANS: (answer may include any/all of the following)
 Respect the children and their families.
 Limit adventure and media induced toys and materials.
 Include children in decision making as their age and abilities allow.
 Provide a safe and secure environment at school.
 Encourage and promote childrens critical thinking and evaluation about what is presented to them and what is available.
 Reinforce the childrens positive comments and behaviors with reflected and encouraging statements.
 Avoid language filled with violent allusions.
 Promote cooperation.
 Offer activities with a theme such as Learning About My Friends.

Ans. to #4

ANS: (the answer may consist of any/all of the following)
 Positive attitude about singing and creative movement.
 Focus on each childs own unique way of experiencing movement.
 Integrate music and rhythm that the childrens families enjoy.
 Utilize music for signaling transitions.
 Incorporate music and rhythm into daily activities to help children settle down and relax.
 Offer experiences that engage more than one of the childrens senses, giving them opportunities to advance perceptual motor skills and develop concepts about space, direction, and size.

Ans. to #5

ANS manipulative

Ans. to #6

ANS: Small movement
sherryzzzzz Author
6 years ago
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