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lalalala1 lalalala1
Posts: 460
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6 years ago
Explain why early childhood is an optimal time to include children with special needs.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Explain why whole-group times may be problematic for young children.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Explain why transitions are so difficult and give two suggestions for things a teacher can do to ease transition times.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Discuss the effect of child/adult ratio on program quality.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

Compare the two philosophies of how groups in programs are organized.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

List eight indicators that a child has adjusted well to the program.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

Discuss the effect of environment on development.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 8

Which statement is NOT true about classroom rules?
  a. Rules must be reasonable.
  b. Rules must be definable.
  c. Rules must be positive.
  d. Rules must be in writing.
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1

ANSWER: All young children are still developing skills and are focused on self rather than others; the environment is open and allows for free choices; children are developing competency at several levels of development; typical children are role models; younger children are more accepting of handicaps.

Ans. to #2

ANSWER: Many young children have not developed the attention span or the self-control to participate in a whole group, wait for a turn, or focus on an activity chosen by someone else.

Ans. to #3

ANSWER: Humans are resistant to change. Children who are engaged in an activity are reluctant to stop and move on to the next. The teacher can make sure children have adequate time for choosing and working on activities with freedom to stay or leave an area at will; give adequate warning when a necessary transition is approaching to allow the child to complete or at least think about ending the present activity; keep routines standard so that the child learns to anticipate what is coming next; make expectations clear about what the next activity will entail.

Ans. to #4

ANSWER: The more children per caregiver, the less attention any one child can receive. Lower ratios give more assurance that each childs needs will be met.

Ans. to #5

ANSWER: Chronological-age groups are based on the premise that similar-age children have shared interests and capabilities and enjoy activities together. Mixed-age groups are based on the premise that they most resemble a family grouping with younger children learning and aided by older ones, with older children learning and displaying caring skills to younger ones.

Ans. to #6

ANSWER: Goes without a fuss; knows schedule; expresses affinity to school; talks freely at school; can make choices from sufficient equipment; is not exhibiting stress; is warned of impending change in activities; moves from one activity to another comfortably; is not forced to continue an activity; displays pride in work brought home; can relate what occurred at school with a trigger question talks about friends knows the teachers names; goes to the adult for comfort; sleeps, eats, and toilets at school without difficulty

Ans. to #7

ANSWER: Affects cognitive development by providing materials and activities to stimulate brain development emotional development by providing realistic expectations for childrens competency; social development by providing an atmosphere of cooperation and sharing

Ans. to #8

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