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hannah415 hannah415
Posts: 496
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Which of the following is true about the current level of unwed teen pregnancies in the United States?
  a. lower than in the past few decades
   b. higher than in the past few decades
   c. record high for African Americans only
   d. about the same rate for the past 30 years

Question 2

Among households with children, which is the most common family structure?
  a. multigenerational household
   b. cohabiting, unmarried parents
   c. single parent
   d. two parents who are married

Question 3

Describe the who, what, where, when, how and why method of documentation.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Describe the who, what, where, when, how and why method of documentation.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

What are some methods for interpreting and using evaluation results?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

What are some examples of key terms related to evaluation and documentation?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

What questions should you ask before starting the evaluation process to determine the focus and scope of your evaluation?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 8

An effective piece of documentation does all but which of the following?
  a. Records information in a systematic fashion
  b. Tells the story of the activity being evaluated
  c. Identifies action items and areas of strength
  d. Tells the purpose of an event or activity being evaluated
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3 Replies

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6 years ago
Ans. to #1


Ans. to #2


Ans. to #3

ANSWER: Who to Target
Who are you documenting information for?

The children so they can see what they learned,

Families so they can track their childs progress, Accrediting body to document your programs quality,
State education or licensing agency to confirm compliance with standards, The community to inform them of program accomplishments,
Your governing board to report progress towards goals, and
Funders to confirm their investment was sound.

What to Document
What you document depends on your purpose.

Child outcomes for planning and evaluating curriculum and teaching methods, Program outcomes for program evaluation,
Program improvement for comparison and planning, (See Figure 14-7) Learning to share with children and parents,
Room arrangement and function to plan improvements, Outdoor Environment to plan improvements,
Health and Safety to confirm compliance with regulations and improve practices,
Parent Involvement to assess and improve practices, Meal service to improve quality and cost efficiency, Community Involvement to plan marketing, and
Services for Culturally, Linguistically, and Ability Diverse Children to improve practices.

Where to Document

In classrooms to evaluate teaching practices and curriculum implementation, Learning centers to determine their effectiveness,
The entire program to evaluate all the components that determine program effectiveness, and
Outdoors to evaluate equipment maintenance and appropriateness and nature experiences.

When to Document

Document all the time to provide continuous feedback, Document child assessments 2-3 times annually, Document program evaluations annually,
Document project results at the end of a project, and
Document curriculum implementation and childrens learning ongoing to inform
continuous improvement and plan learning experiences and interventions.

How to Document

Create portfolios to track progress over time,
Using technology to conduct surveys, evaluate child outcomes and plan interventions, and document compliance with standards, and
Develop documentation boards and books to share childrens learning.

Why are you wanting to collect information on child success in your class? For

example, you may be

seeking National accreditation,
measuring child outcomes to share with parents, (See Figure 14-6)
planning program improvement, or
compiling information for a funders report.

Ans. to #4

ANSWER: Who to Target

Ans. to #5

ANSWER: Methods to use for interpreting evaluation results include identifying all possible explanations, examining the childs sociocultural context, comparing data with standardized data, and comparing outcomes with goals, objectives and standards. Methods used for using evaluation results include reflection on what to do with the evaluation results, making a plan for continued data collection, interpretation and change, balance what you might like to change with what is possible and implement your plans for change.

Ans. to #6

ANSWER: Evaluation is the process of determining whether the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the program have been met. Quantitative evaluation is defined as an evaluation approach involving the use and analysis of numerical data and measurement. Qualitative evaluation is typically conducted through interviews, observation, focus groups, portfolios and journals to determine the quality of the program. Formative evaluation is a method for judging the worth of a program or project while the program activities are forming or in progress. Summative evaluation is a method of judging the worth of a program at the end of the program activities (summation) or
end of a specific time period, such as a program year.

Ans. to #7

ANSWER: What is the purpose of the evaluation? Why is this evaluation being undertaken? What is it expected to achieve or to provide insight about? Who will use the information?
Is this evaluation only for your own use? Are there others who are asking for this evaluation? What are their expectations and agendas? Who else might be interested in the process and results of the evaluation?
How will they use the information? What will the different users do with the evaluation results? What decisions or actions are likely to be influenced by the results?
What questions will the evaluation seek to answer? What specifically do you and others want to know?
When are the evaluation results needed? Whats your time line?
What are your own abilities and skills? Are there others who can help? What resources do you have or can you access, including time, money and people?

Ans. to #8

hannah415 Author
6 years ago
I hope they're paying you for this because all of them were correct Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
6 years ago
not really, just a volunteer... and you're welcome Wink Face
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