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skyleton skyleton
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6 years ago
Which of the following is a type of testing for information systems where developers use the same input and compare the new system's output to the output generated by the system it is replacing?
  A) stress testing
  B) parallel testing
  C) unit testing
  D) acceptance testing

 Q. 2

Identify the five moral dimensions that are involved in political, social, and ethical issues and briefly describe each. Of these, which do you think is the most difficult for society to deal with? Support your opinion.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 3

Which of the following statements describes the product differentiation strategy?
  A) adding special features to a product for which customers are willing to pay more
  B) selling the same product in more than one market at different price levels
  C) pricing of product or services at moderate levels
  D) selling a range of products across different geographical locations

 Q. 4

What are the strengths of ERP systems?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 5

Which of the following types of captured knowledge should ideally be systematically collected and organized and made widely available throughout an organization?
  A) strategically valuable information
  B) compliance information
  C) redundant information
  D) operational information

 Q. 6

Which of the following statements is true of portals?
  A) They are gateways that provide access to a variety of relevant information from many different sources on one screen.
  B) They are quantifiable metrics that measure an individual's contribution to his organization's success.
  C) They mimic the reasoning of a human expert, drawing from a base of knowledge about a particular subject area to come to a decision or recommendation.
  D) They are graphical user interfaces that organize and summarize information vital to a user's role and the decisions that user makes.
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1


Ans. to #2

The five moral dimensions are:
(1 ) Information rights and obligations. What rights do individuals and organizations have with respect to information pertaining to them?
(2 ) Property rights and obligations. How can intellectual property rights be protected when it is so easy to copy digital materials?
(3 ) Accountability and control. Who will be held accountable and liable for the harm done to individual and collective information and property rights?
(4 ) System quality. What standards of data and system quality should we demand to protect in dividual rights and the safety of society?
(5 ) Quality of life. What values should be preserved? What institutions must we protect? What cultural values can be harmed?
Individual answers for determining the most difficult for society to deal with will vary. One answer might be: Quality of life issues will be most difficult for society to deal with in societies that are comprised of many different cultural and ethnic groups, such as the United States. It is difficult to regulate concerns that are based on subjective values.

Ans. to #3


Ans. to #4

Despite implementation hurdles, the ERP, at least to integrate finance and human resources, is becoming a near necessity for most organizations. Once in place, it can dramatically enhance operational efficiencies and reduce costs. A key ingredient, of course, is that the organization's employees actually change the way they work to take best advantage of the integrated back-end and paperless workflows.
If used properly, ERP systems can standardize and streamline business processes across the whole enterprise, eliminating the waste and redundancy that creep in when everyone's work is so focused on a single department. An ERP helps people appreciate the full process, spanning departments, not just the part that touches their unit.

Ans. to #5


Ans. to #6

skyleton Author
6 years ago
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