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lacieb23 lacieb23
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6 years ago
Interest groups are formal or informal associations that recruit, nominate, and elect public officials.
  a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

 Q. 2

Which of the following is NOT true of the Japanese criminal system?
  a. Japan is a relatively crime-free society.
  b. Japan has a very high conviction rate.
  c. In Japan, suspects have a constitutional right to counsel.
  d. Japan's criminal system is highly centralized.
  e. Some have criticized Japan's reliance on coerced confessions.

 Q. 3

Heavy caseloads in state court systems
  a. may be reduced by reliance on mediation and arbitration, which are now used by most states.
  b. can be solved by more reliance on pretrial settlements and plea bargaining.
  c. lower the possibility of appeals.
  d. are solved by adding new trial court judges and appellate courts.

 Q. 4

In Europe's parliamentary system, parties are generally more important than personalities, because winning a majority of seats in parliament is the key to controlling the government.
  a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

 Q. 5

Japan's Lay Judge System
  a. is a system whereby a judge may adjudicate a suit between Japanese citizens.
  b. is a system whereby a panel of randomly selected Japanese citizens rule on civil cases involving corporations.
  c. permits Japanese citizens who have not attained a law degree to become judges.
  d. is a reform that made all judgeships in Japan elected positions.
  e. allows major criminal cases to be heard by a panel consisting of professional judges and randomly chosen Japanese citizens.

 Q. 6

Tort reform refers to the policy goal of reducing
  a. the number of liability and personal injury cases and the subsequent awards.
  b. the number of liability and personal injury cases but not size of the subsequent awards.
  c. drug sentencing by providing counseling rather than prison sentences.
  d. the number of advertisements for personal injury law firms on television.

 Q. 7

According to pluralists, the U. S. political system is centralized.
  a. True
  b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

 Q. 8

The Japanese Supreme Court exercises its constitutional power of judicial review
  a. very rarely.
  b. very frequently.
  c. never.
  d. about as frequently as the U.S. Supreme Court.
  e. only when the cabinet directs it to do so.
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