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6 years ago
Defining culture as a social group's design for living, think about the college campus culture and the culture in your home. How are they alike? How do they differ? What values are emphasized on campus that may not be emphasized at home?
  Likewise, what values are
  present in the home that may not exist on campus?
  What will be an ideal response

Question 2

Describe two reasons why it is sometimes difficult to get valid data with a survey.
  What will be an ideal response

Question 3

Imagine you are interested in the relationship between age and reading ability for children between 4 and 10 years of age. Briefly summarize how you could test this using a crosssectional design.
  What will be an ideal response

Question 4

Define correlation and give an example. Can one determine cause and effect from correlations? Explain why or why not.
  What will be an ideal response
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Students should compare and contrast campus and home values and then identify
campus values not present at home and home values not present on campus.

Answer to q. 2

Answers will vary, but students should describe two reasons. For instance, people
may try to make themselves look smart or nice, wording of questions may influence
results, data may be incomplete if everyone doesn't respond, and people can be
inaccurate reporters (e.g., memory difficulties).

Answer to q. 3

The students should state that they will find several groups of children ranging in age
from 4 to 10. They will then evaluate each child's reading ability or ask parents or
teachers to do so. Finally, they will compare the children of various ages and look for

Answer to q. 4

A correlation exists between two variables when one changes (increases or
decreases) as the other changes. It is impossible to determine cause and effect from
correlations because correlations indicate a connection between two variables, but
cannot determine a reason for the connection because no other variables are
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