What is the correct developmental sequence for emotional understanding, from earliest to latest?
a. Empathic responding :: social referencing :: discriminate facial expressions
b. Empathic responding :: discriminate facial expressions :: social referencing
c. Discriminate facial expressions :: social referencing :: empathic responding
d. Social referencing :: empathic responding :: discriminate facial expressions
Question 2Overall, the heritability of intelligence is
a. entirely absent.
b. weak.
c. moderate.
d. strong.
Question 3Baby Bandy is scared by thunder, so she cries for her parents to comfort her. This emotional display served a ____ function for Bandy.
a. communicative
b. nutritive
c. Kewpie doll
d. synchronized routine
Question 4According to formulas for heritability coefficient and environmental influences, the sum of heritability (H), shared environmental influences (SE), and nonshared environmental influences (NSE) should equal ____ when calculations are correct.
a. -1.00
b. 0.00
c. +1.00
d. 100.00
Question 5Sarah has just come to understand that seeing a dog will make her best friend thrilled (she loves dogs) but her other friend afraid. Given that Sarah has just developed the ability to understand that the same thing will make different people experience different emotions, how old would you hypothesize Sarah is?
a. Four
b. Six
c. Eight
d. 12
Question 6Asian countries such as China or Japan are very collectivistic in social orientation, giving emphasis to cooperation, loyalty to groups, and conformity. It would be expected that in these countries,
a. nonshared environmental influences will be strong.
b. shared environmental influences will be strong.
c. heritability on all traits will be weak.
d. kinships will be impossible to calculate.