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Hoshuia Hoshuia
Posts: 527
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6 years ago
Which of the following would best describe how the men in this study saw their primary identity, when they were laid off from work?
  a. They now had a better understanding of the difficulties of household work and childcare and saw their identity more as fathers and house-husbands than before.
  b. Though they were laid off, their primary identity still lay in their work world and the control paid work provided for them.
  c. They refused to accept the fact that they were no longer working, and with unemployment d. These men completely took over the household tasks and saw this as their primary identity.

Question 2

For the women in this study, even when they were forced to go to work because of tough economic times, which of the following would best describe their identity?
  a. Primary family breadwinner.
  b. Primary family caregiver, for their children, husband, and parents.
  c. Secondary economic provider, with their husband only temporarily out of work.
  d. Most of these women did not join the labor force, even if their husband was laid off.

Question 3

For some of the women in this study, such as Julie, the division of household work did not change when her husband was laid off and she was in the work force. What was the explanation for this?
  a. It just was always that way and they did not see reasons to change. Her mother did the major housework and she continued to do the same.
  b. Julie did not trust her husband to do the housework to her satisfaction and it was easier for her to continue than to get annoyed at him.
  c. Julie's husband, Dave, was disabled so she did not feel that it was he right thing to do to expect him to take on household tasks.
  d. When Dave was laid off, he had to devote most of his time to finding a new job, and doing the household tasks would take away from his ability to find employment.

Question 4

The authors describe the women in this study as engaging in pragmatic egalitarianism.. What does this term mean?
  a. The families in this study, for the most part, sat down together after the husband was laid off and created a new list of household duties that was more equally shared than when both husband and wife were working.
  b. The families in this study were more practical about who would do which jobs, with men taking care of the lawn and fixing the plumbing, and women doing the cooking and shopping.
  c. The families in this study recognized that women would have to join the work force full-time, but that they were still expected to do traditional women's work around the house.
  d. The families in this study did not change their household division of labor after the husband was laid off. In fact, nothing changed.

Question 5

Among the people in this study, for the women who had full-time paying jobs, which of the following is true?
  a. Their husbands not only took on a greater amount of housework, but they did the kind of housework that traditionally was called women's work..
  b. Their husbands took on more household duties, but women were still expected to do traditional female chores, such as grocery shopping, scrubbing floors, and cleaning toilets.
  c. Their husbands did not step in to do any more around the house, and the women were expected to do the same amount of housework, even if the husband was unemployed and the wife was employed.
  d. These couples represent the trend toward more egalitarian division of labor in household work, where both the husband and wives do equal shares.

Question 6

The people in this study can best be described as which of the following?
  a. Educated, highly skilled, middle-class Americans.
  b. Steelworkers who were mostly recently laid off from their jobs.
  c. Professors, both men and women, who were out of work during times of recession and economic cutbacks in education.
  d. Low-skilled, new immigrant Americans who had little chance of getting a job.

Question 7

According to these authors, which of the following is true concerning how men and women divide housework in contemporary American society?
  a. Men who earn less than their wives or are unemployed do less housework than their wives.
  b. Women who earn more money than their husbands nevertheless do more housework.
  c. There has been an increase in dual-earning couples and a trend to more egalitarian division o labor in the household.
  d. All of the above are true.

Question 8

One of the best ways to upward mobility for the Mexican gardeners studied by these authors was to
  a. go back to school and get a degree in landscape architecture.
  b. quit the business of gardening and work as a public relations agent for new gardeners trying to open their own businesses.
  c. become landscape contractors, passing a written California Board test, and to obtain a license to do more rigorous and skilled work.
  d. return to Mexico with the skills that they had acquired in the United States and open up thei own businesses there.
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6 years ago
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Hoshuia Author
6 years ago
God bless you! Helped my grade so much.
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