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mrs.anderson mrs.anderson
Posts: 488
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6 years ago
Differentiate between containment theory, social bonding theory, and the labeling theory.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

According to __________, male domination causes all forms of human oppression, including racism and classism.
  a. radical feminism
 b. Marxist feminism
 c. liberal feminism
 d. postmodern feminism

Question 3

An estimated 41.3 million people in the United States had no health insurance in 2013, and children made up _____ million of the uninsured, according to DeNavas-Walt, Proctor, and Smith, 2013.
  a. 7.5
  b. 15.9
  c. 19.3
  d. 22.7

Question 4

Explain differential association theory, differential reinforcement theory, and rational choice theory.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

In the perspective of __________, gender equality is equated with equality of opportunity.
  a. radical feminism
 b. Marxist feminism
 c. liberal feminism
 d. postmodern feminism

Question 6

According to DeNavas-Walt, Proctor, and Smith, 2012, _____ percent of all full-time workers lacked health insurance in 2011.
  a. 5
  b. 10
  c. 15
  d. 20

Question 7

According to Marx and Engels,__________________________.
  a. monogamous marriage is the creation of the capitalist class
 b. there is no relationship between gender and class
 c. male workers needed to organize to protect their economic interests from women
 d. women's reproductive power made them superior to men
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

According to sociologist Walter Reckless, society produces pushes and pulls that move people toward criminal behavior however, some people insulate themselves from such pressures by having positive self-esteem and good group cohesion. Reckless suggests that many people do not resort to deviance because of inner containmentssuch as selfcontrol, a sense of responsibility, and resistance to diversionsand outer containmentssuch as supportive family and friends, reasonable social expectations, and supervision by others.

Sociologist Travis Hirschi's social control theory is based on the assumption that deviant behavior is minimized when people have strong bonds that bind them to families, schools, peers, churches, and other social institutions. Social bond theory holds that the probability of deviant behavior increases when a person's ties to society are weakened or broken.

Labeling theory states that deviance is a socially constructed process in which social control agencies designate certain people as deviants and they, in turn, come to accept the label placed upon them and begin to act accordingly.

Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3


Answer to q. 4

According to sociologist Edwin Sutherland, people learn the necessary techniques and the motives, drives, rationalizations, and attitudes of deviant behavior from people with whom they associate.

Criminologist Ronald Aker has combined differential association theory with elements of psychological learning theory to create differential reinforcement theory, which suggests that both deviant behavior and conventional behavior are learned through the same social processes.

The rational choice theory of deviance states that deviant behavior occurs when a person weighs the costs and benefits of nonconventional or criminal behavior and determines that the benefits will outweigh the risks involved in such actions. Rational choice approaches suggest that most people who commit crimes do not engage in random acts of antisocial behavior. Instead, they make careful decisions based on weighing the available information regarding situational factors, such as the place of the crime, suitable targets, and the availability of people to deter the behavior, and personal factors, such as what rewards they may gain from their criminal behavior.

Answer to q. 5


Answer to q. 6


Answer to q. 7

mrs.anderson Author
6 years ago
I sincerely appreciate your time, great answers!
6 years ago
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