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tt870116tw tt870116tw
Posts: 306
5 years ago
Lisa is trying to decide on the location of her entrepreneurial venture  Flower Power, a specialty wedding flower service. She has three possible locations (A, B, C) in mind. Lisa has projected that in the first year of operation, under ideal conditions, her company would generate $80,000 at Location A, $55,000 at Location B, and $45,000 at Location C. However, after further analysis, Lisa has determined that there is only a 20 percent chance of ideal conditions occurring during the first year of operation in Location A. Locations B and C have a .4 and a .8 probability, respectively, for ideal conditions during the first year of operations. Based on this information, which location should Lisa choose?
A) Lisa should choose location A.
B) Lisa should choose location B.
C) Lisa should choose location C.
D) Lisa should choose either Location A or B because both are viable.
E) Lisa should choose either Location A or C because both are viable.
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Posts: 231
5 years ago
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