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mkendrick08 mkendrick08
Posts: 334
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5 years ago
A hospital emergency operations plan (EOP) includes what components?
1. Activation response
2. Practice drills
3. Security plan
4. Communication plan
5. Community vulnerability
Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing

Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing

Edition: 9th
Read 52 times
2 Replies

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5 years ago
 1, 3, 4
Explanation:  1. The EOP includes activation response, client care coordination plan, security plan, traffic flow, resources, data management, and communication plan.
2. The EOP includes activation response, client care coordination plan, security plan, traffic flow, resources, data management, and communication plan.
3. The EOP includes activation response, client care coordination plan, security plan, traffic flow, resources, data management, and communication plan.
4. The EOP includes activation response, client care coordination plan, security plan, traffic flow, resources, data management, and communication plan.
5. The EOP includes activation response, client care coordination plan, security plan, traffic flow, resources, data management, and communication plan.
mkendrick08 Author
5 years ago
Exactly what I needed for my quiz Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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