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oemBiology oemBiology
Posts: 1247
5 years ago
Our brain grows a new cell by certain activity / memory within nervous system, is there any relate articles on when to repeat activity / memory in order to speed up the growth of brain cell?
On the other words, how to learn faster by understanding on how brain cell works?

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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11 Replies

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Trusted Member
5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, biolove
Our brain grows a new cell by certain activity / memory within nervous system

I think that's impossible. Neural connections are made, but brain cells don't reproduce.
oemBiology Author
5 years ago
If we repeat memory, then it would strength short term memory,
If we keep doing that then it would strength into long term memory.

Is there any related article on how often / frequency to repeat memory would be the most effective and strength memory into short / long term memory?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)
5 years ago
According to this article, it can happen in seconds:


Valued Member
5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, cloveb
One factor you should keep in mind that genetics plays a big role in our life. Because our brain cells contain DNA molecules, the formation and strength of your long-term memories is based on your genes.
Trusted Member
5 years ago
it depends on genetics.

The OP is asking for citation. This can be said about everything
5 years ago
Older adults grow just as many new brain cells as young people. ... There has been controversy over whether adult humans grow new neurons, and some research has previously suggested that the adult brain was hard-wired and that adults did not grow new neurons. But we can eat healthy sleep more
Trusted Member
5 years ago
That's contrary to what I've learned my whole life. Brain cells do not undergo mitosis. As adults, neural connections are made by the dendrites.

oemBiology Author
5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, oem7110
I read some books, which mention as shown below

To strength short--term memory:
1) First time to learn new topic
2) Repeat what you learn after 15~20 minutes
3) Repeat what you learn after 6~8 hours
4) Repeat what you learn after 24 hours

There is no reference, and I would like to know on whether this approach is more efficiency on learning new topic and strength your short-term memory. It is better not repeat what you learn outside those given periods, on the other words, if you learn new topic, it is useless to repeat what you learn on every minutes for the first 15 minutes, they mention that you are better to do something else outside those given periods.

In order to understand on how to strength short-term memory, first of all, I need to understand on how brain cell works on short-term memory and how long period should be repeated what I learn a new topic for the most efficiency to strength short-term memory.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions (^v^)

Valued Member
5 years ago
It’s good strategy but why limited to 24 hours?
oemBiology Author
5 years ago
That is why I need to understand on how brain cell works on short-term memory and how long period should be repeated what I learn a new topic for the most efficiency to strength short-term memory.

Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions (^v^)
5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, bio_man
That is why I need to understand on how brain cell works on short-term memory and how long period should be repeated what I learn a new topic for the most efficiency to strength short-term memory. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions (^v^)

Hi oem7110

Your ability to remember depends on several factors, including the amount of brain tissue a person has. The larger your brain, usually the smarter you are because you can recollect more information. For instance, Chinese Asians have larger brains than other races, hence they can remember more. The statistics you're looking for wouldn't be consistent of all humans, maybe that's why studies of that kind are unavailable. However, it is well-known that repetition helps with memory. I conducted a search for you using our PubMed search feature and found the following results:


Namely, this link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19966243 discusses how repetition and memory recollection are correlated. Perhaps you can look at the materials and methods section if the journal is available to you. Also, I found another article here: http://psycnet.apa.org/record/1998-10542-006

Many people have different opinions on how to strengthen short-term memory, but of course, they're not scientifically proven. For me, I write what I want to remember several times, recite it verbally, and repeat several times a day, for 3 or 4 days. Depending on your personality, some people persevere until they finally have it completely memorized. Other's use mnemonics, like acronyms to remember the order of something.

I've also included a link to the Leitner system:


This method is labor intensive and involves checking the recall again and again. If we fail we will check it more often, but if we succeed we will need to check it much less often, until we do not need to check any more. In this approach the frequency of repetition is governed by the amount of new data we need to learn.
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