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orengo orengo
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5 years ago
Hyperthyroidism treatment in cats usually involves antithyroid medication or the use of radioactive iodine to destroy the abnormal (overactive) tissue growing in the thyroid gland. Surgery to remove the abnormal tissue is generally not advised, as the surgery could also accidentally destroy parathyroid tissue. The parathyroid gland releases a hormone called PTH that increases blood calcium levels. Based on your knowledge of homeostasis, predict why surgery is ill-advised.
A) A lack of PTH will cause blood calcium levels to drop to abnormally low levels.
B) A lack of PTH will cause blood calcium levels to rise to abnormally high levels.
C) Positive feedback will compensate for any problems caused by negative feedback.
D) Surgery will not be a problem because homeostasis will find other ways to regulate blood calcium.
Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections

Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections

Edition: 8th
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