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biolove biolove
Trusted Member
Posts: 1723
13 years ago
1.   Which ecological unit incorporates abiotic factors?
   Answer: ecosystem
2.   The effects of altitude on an ecosystem include all of the following EXCEPT
   Answer: an increase in temperature
4.   Where would an ecologist find the most phytoplankton in a lake?
   Answer: limnetic zone
5.   The best example of a polygynous mating system is
   Answer: male mammals that control access to mates and resources
6.   Which of these ecosystems accounts for the largest amount of Earth's primary productivity?
   Answer: open ocean
7.   Which of the following levels of organization is arranged in the correct sequence, from most to least inclusive?
   Answer: ecosystem, community, population, individual
8.   Which of the following terms best describes the problems of increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere?
   Answer: greenhouse effect
9.   All of the following describe possible results of competition EXCEPT
   Answer: aposematic coloration
10.   Rain shadows are directly created by:
   Answer: mountains
11.   As a population approaches K (carrying capacity) which of the following would most likely occur?
   Answer: a sudden drop in population size
12.   A type 1 survival curve (level at first with a rapid increase in mortality in old age) is most likely to be found in:
   Answer: a and b
13.   Detritovores are unique because they
   Answer: scavenge on dead and decaying organic matter
14.   CO[2] (carbon dioxide) is returned into the atmosphere by the process of:
   Answer: respiration
15.   N[2] (nitrogen) is removed from the atmosphere by:
   Answer: nitrification
16.   Which of the following ecosystems would have the least primary productivity rate?
   Answer: swamp or marsh
17.   During an el nino episode, the:
   Answer: all of the above
18.   The greenhouse effect is due to:
   Answer: increased concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and chloroflourocarbons in the atmosphere
19.   A species that is relatively r-selected might have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT
   Answer: parental care of offspring
20.   Uniform spacing pattern in plants such as the creosote bush are most often associated with which of the following?
   Answer: antagonistic interactions of individuals in the population
21.   As N approaches K for a certain population, which of the following is predicted by the logistic equation?
   Answer: the growth rate will approach zero
22.   Higher species richness in the tropics than in the temperate zone may be explained by:
   Answer: all of the above
23.   A species-area curve can be used to predict:
   Answer: the number of species that will be found in a habitat island of a given size
24.   In general, the total biomass in a terrestrial ecosystem will be greatest for which trophic level?
   Answer: producers
25.   The high levels of DDT found in birds of prey is an example of
   Answer: biological magnification
26.   The phosphorus cycle differs from the cycles for nitrogen and carbon in that:
   Answer: there is not a gaseous form of phosphorus that has importance in the cycle
27.   The return of salmon to their home stream to spawn is an example of:
   Answer: olfactory imprinting
28.   In an ecosystem, you would most expect to find interspecific competition between
   Answer: populations of two species that occupy the same niche
29.   The bright red blotches on a frog with poisonous skin secretions are an example of
   Answer: aposematic coloration
30.   Zooplankton in the middle of the Pacific Ocean are in which oceanic zone?
   Answer: pelagic
31.   Which of the first terrestrial biomes is NOT adapted to and maintained by frequent fires?
   Answer: desert
32.   At the equator, prevailing winds generally blow from
   Answer: east to west
33.   Which of the following occurs during autumn turnover in temperate lakes?
   Answer: surface water is fortified with nutrients
34.   In which community would organisms be most likely to have evolved adaptations allowing them to respond to different photoperiods?
   Answer: temperate deciduous forest
35.   Which of the following biomes would have the highest number of different species per square mile?
   Answer: tropical rain forest
36.   All of the following statements about community interactions are correct EXCEPT
   Answer: keystone predators reduce diversity in a community by holding down or wiping out prey populations
37.   In a prairie ecosystem, vultures eat dead coyotes; coyotes hunt mice; mice eat seeds; and bacteria break down organic material for nutrients that are then taken up by the plants. Which species is a secondary consumer?
   Answer: coyote
38.   The rate at which solar energy is converted to the chemical energy of organic compounds by autotrophs is termed
   Answer: primary productivity
39.   In ecosystems, the flow of ________ is one-way, whereas _________ are recycled.
   Answer: energy... atoms
40.   The number of species in a community, irrespective of the number of individuals of each species present, is called the
   Answer: species richness
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