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Catracho Catracho
Posts: 529
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5 years ago
2. Provide an example ( other than the textbook’s)  of how we would use the simple linear regression model or the multiple regression model to predict an outcome in a real life setting. What would be appropriate independent variable(s),  and dependent variable for your example  What would be a reasonably acceptable r square value for your example ?
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5 years ago
Since we can choose, let's pick the easier of the two, simple linear regression.

Recall the difference:

In simple linear regression a single independent variable is used to predict the value of a dependent variable. In multiple linear regression two or more independent variables are used to predict the value of a dependent variable. The difference between the two is the number of independent variables. In both cases there is only a single dependent variable.

Here's a scenario (it can be anything really). Let's say you're a researcher who desires to estimate students’ grades based on the number of hours they studied for an exam. The searcher takes a random sample of 50 students currently enrolled in a __(whatever)__ course and records their test grade (0 – 100) and the number of hours they studied.

Here, grade is likely DEPENDENT on the hours (INDEPENDENT variable). A reasonable r score to show a strong relationship is r > 0.7.

By the way, I'll be answering the rest of your questions tomorrow, it's 3 AM where I am Face with Rolling Eyes
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