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Brandon014190 Brandon014190
Posts: 37
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5 years ago
A variety of individual causes of juvenile delinquency have been presented in the lesson and readings this week. Some of these causes focus upon personal characteristics of the juvenile, while others attribute delinquency to societal causes.

In your initial response, begin by discussing whether you believe personal or societal causes have the biggest influence on juvenile delinquency. Next, identify one specific personal characteristic or societal cause that you believe most accurately explains decisions to participate in juvenile delinquency. Briefly defend the personal characteristic or societal cause you selected by explaining why it is more accurate than other theories presented this week.

In your response posts to classmates, evaluate the personal characteristic or societal cause selected by the classmate as most accurately explaining juvenile delinquency. If you agree, elaborate on the points made by the classmate and provide additional supporting justification for the selected theory. If you disagree with the theory selected by the classmate, respectfully point out deficiencies you see with the theory.

Initial posts must be a minimum of 350 words not counting the repeating of the question or reference list, and incorporate material from at least two (2) cited sources. At least two (2) response posts to classmates with a minimum of 150 words each and material from one (1) cited source in both responses are required.
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5 years ago
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Crime is a vice that has eroded the societal moral, and it involves both adult and minors. Juvenile delinquency is the constant habit of getting involved in criminal activities by a child who majorly falls under the age of the ordinary prosecution. However, some extreme acts by the juveniles can be tried. The habit is caused by both societal and personal characteristics of an individual. Societal reasons have a significant influence on the occurrence of juvenile delinquency.

To start with, the societal causes of juvenile delinquency have the biggest influence towards the occurrence of such criminal acts. It is down in well-analyzed data that most urbanized areas have recorded high rates of criminal cases than a rural set up as the society carefully monitors the behaviors of its inhabitants. Besides, peer influence stands a better place of making the youth to get involved in crimes because of bad advice (Patacchini & Zenou, 2012). Nevertheless, the family that acts as a social institution is the primary contributor of tender age crimes when it is unstable.

Out of the societal causes of juvenile delinquency is the family. Children who get adequate parental guidance have lower chances of getting involved in minor crimes. In a family that is unstable with constant conflicts, do not have enough time to pay attention to their children making them develop mischievous attributes (Bartollas & Schmalleger, 2014). Besides, children who are raised in disadvantaged families have less exposure to employment opportunities putting them at a risk of social exclusion, thus making engagement in crimes as the only left option.
The family issues stand out as an actual cause of juvenile criminal acts because is serves as a social institution that natures the behavior of children. When the family is disadvantaged either financially or by violent family conflicts, the children are the ones who suffer the most (Bartollas & Schmalleger, 2014). The kids will stand at a risk of not getting adequate parental guidance making the children have inappropriate characters that make them vulnerable to juvenile delinquency.

In conclusion, societal causes have the biggest influence towards the occurrence of juvenile delinquency. Social attributes like peer influence and family issues are the major contributors to such acts. The family as a social cause is the primary cause as it serves as a vital instrument in molding the behaviors of youths. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all parents to keep a close monitor of their children. It will reduce incidences of crimes by the minors that are on the rise.
Source  Bartollas, C. L., & Schmalleger, F. J. (2014). Juvenile delinquency. Prentice Hall.

Patacchini, E., & Zenou, Y. (2012). Juvenile delinquency and conformism. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 28(1), 1-31.
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