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cangyufeiyi cangyufeiyi
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5 years ago
You will need to do some research on AHIMA's website to complete this case study. In a Word document, copy/paste the questions and add your answers. You may use a narrative or table format for question 1.

1. Increased adoption of health information technology is opening innovative leadership pathways for HIM professionals. Four areas of opportunity based on the HIT road map created by the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information technology include privacy & security, adoption of information technology, interoperability and collaborative governance. Choose one of these to explore listing the challenges and opportunities for HIM professionals.

2. Take one of the challenges you presented and address it by using the 3 I's Leadership Model for e-HIM that AHIMA adapted. (Again, you will have to do some research)

3. Postulate how earning an AHIMA credential can prepare you for leadership.
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5 years ago
3. Postulate how earning an AHIMA credential can prepare you for leadership.

From their website, it states:

AHIMA certification can help you:

  • Increase your job mobility and choices even in the face of a tough job market
  • Reach not only your short-term job goals, but also position yourself for success in your long-term career
  • Provide a foundation of broad and deep understanding
  • Be associated with AHIMA's strong and long-standing reputation of integrity and excellence.
  • Connect with a strong network of AHIMA-certified peers. Earning an AHIMA credential plugs you into a prestigious community of ongoing support. Although membership is not required in order to become AHIMA-certified, you can enhance your connection even more by becoming an AHIMA member. 

When a person becomes AHIMA-certified, it reflects a deep personal commitment and sense of accountability, inspiring credibility and confidence in an individual's professional knowledge. Hiring AHIMA-certified individuals or investing in AHIMA certification for your current employees can help you:

  • Build a strong, dedicated team that is committed to high standards of care and quality
  • Promote ongoing enhancement of knowledge and skills
  • Improve the quality of information and care
  • Minimize errors and reduce exposure to fraud and abuse charges
  • Increase efficiency and reduce cost for the company you're hired by
When you like a flower, you just pluck it out.
But when you love a flower, you water it daily.
The one who understands this, understands life.

- That's the difference between I like you and I love you.
5 years ago
1. Increased adoption of health information technology is opening innovative leadership pathways for HIM professionals. Four areas of opportunity based on the HIT road map created by the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information technology include privacy & security, adoption of information technology, interoperability and collaborative governance. Choose one of these to explore listing the challenges and opportunities for HIM professionals.

On this link: http://www.ahima.org/topics/pcs

There's a video link that explains what you need to know about privacy and security: https://vimeo.com/162992799

That discusses privacy and security. Also the first link shows:

The Privacy Rule sets the floor providing baseline requirements to preserve the overall confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) regardless of type (e.g. verbal, paper, electronic).

  • Protects individuals’ health records and other individually identifiable health information created, maintained, or received by or on behalf of covered entities and their business associates 
  • Protects individuals’ PHI by regulating the circumstances under which covered entities may use and disclose protected health information 
  • Covered entities are required to have contracts or other arrangements in place with business associates that perform functions for or provide services to, or on behalf of, the covered entity
  • Gives individuals rights with respect to their protected health information, including rights to examine and obtain a copy of their health records and to request corrections

The Security Rule applies only to protected health information in electronic form

  • Requires covered entities to implement certain administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect electronic information
  • Covered entities have contracts in place with their business associates that all business associates will appropriately safeguard the electronic protected health information they receive, create, maintain, or transmit on behalf of the covered entities
When you like a flower, you just pluck it out.
But when you love a flower, you water it daily.
The one who understands this, understands life.

- That's the difference between I like you and I love you.
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