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helloiamunique helloiamunique
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3 years ago
Hi all, first time posting! Smiling Face with Open Mouth

So, i'm doing a biology access course and we've just done a module on neurotransmitters, with 'GABA' and 'Acetylcholine' given as examples.

The course was pretty good at explaining the basic mechanisms of how excitatory & inhibitory neurotransmitters work (basically, NTs bind to receptors causing either Chloride (-1 charge) or Sodium (+1 charge) voltage-gated ion channels to open, allowing either a charge to build up and a action potential being creating, thus causing the neuron to fire, or cancelling the charge and preventing it from firing.

But - there are two major things I still don't understand, and the articles I have found so far on the web have been way above my current level of understanding:

  • How exactly does the difference in charge between the axon terminal and the dendrites cause the neuron to 'fire'? Or is the difference in charge ITSELF the 'firing'? What exactly is happening to cause the Neurotransmitters (which I understand are stored in vesicles, which when the ion channels open fuse to the cell wall thus releasing the NTs) to be released physically?
  • Perhaps more importantly, how exactly do Neurotransmitters affect cognition, behaviour etc? Acetylcholine, for example, is said to affect cognition, and GABA is said to affect behaviour. But how?? Why is it that these specific neurotransmitters binding to receptors have the ability to affect things like cognition and behaviour!? I really don't understand.

If anyone can help with either of these problems, I'd really appreciate it. I have looked online, but often the material is too complex and focused on specific mechanisms. Thanks so much!  Smiling Face with Glasses
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3 years ago

Neurotransmitters are located within the axon terminal. These neurotransmitters are packeted within vesicles located at the axon terminal. Action potentials arriving at the axon terminal cause voltage gated calcium channels to open. When the calcium ions diffuse into the axon terminal, it causes these synaptic vesicles (containing the neurotransmitter) to be released. When the post synaptic neuron (dendrites of receiving neuron) receives enough messages, it fires. The level of electrical charge in the dendrites is the trigger to firing the message down the receiving neuron. Normally, at rest, the neuron is negative on the inside, and positive on the outside - the net charge of -70 mV. When the depolarization reaches about -55 mV (notice how it got more positive), a neuron will fire an action potential. IF it doesn't reach this level, an action potential will not fire - this is referred to as the all-or-nothing principle. Please see the animation below:

I hope that covers everything, but if you have any follow-up questions, feel free to ask.
Source  > https://videos.homeworkclinic.com/watch/598/transmission-across-a-synapse/
> https://videos.homeworkclinic.com/watch/417/neurotransmission-at-chemical-synapses-excitory-and-inhibitory-potentials/
3 years ago
Thanks BioMan! That's an awesome answer, and really informative, I feel like I really understand the mechanism by which Acetylcholine works now, so thanks.

Why do certain NTs, sticking with Acetylcholine, produce certain results? For example, why does Acetylcholine specifically affect cognition etc? Is the process and thus the result on human experience different from other NTs?

I hope that question makes sense. I guess I'm getting more comfortable with HOW NTs work mechanically, but not WHY they work, if that's at all clear.

Thanks again!  Smiling Face with Glasses
3 years ago Edited: 3 years ago, bio_man
Why do certain NTs, sticking with Acetylcholine, produce certain results? For example, why does Acetylcholine specifically affect cognition etc? Is the process and thus the result on human experience different from other NTs?

To date, scientists have discovered 60 distinct neurotransmitters working in the brain, but of course, acetylcholine and GABA being the most discussed. Some neurotransmitters are inhibitory (induce a relaxing effect), while others are excitatory (encourage the target cell to take action). A target cell can be innervated by more than one type of neuron at the same time that do opposite things. Acetylcholine can react with many target neurons and non-nervous cells, including muscles that induce contraction; when acetylcholine is decomposed, the muscle relaxes. Therefore, acetylcholine plays a role in excitation at the neuromuscular junction, but has inhibitory actions at certain smooth muscles and at cardiac muscle.

Why acetylcholine was supposedly chosen to be part of the cognition/memory is something I'm not sure about. Maybe understanding its evolution, or the evolution of the receptors that are responsive to it would help. There's a section on Wikipedia that discusses its evolution:

Comparative biology and evolution

Acetylcholine is used by organisms in all domains of life for a variety of purposes. It is believed that choline, a precursor to acetylcholine, was used by single celled organisms billions of years ago for synthesizing cell membrane phospholipids. Following the evolution of choline transporters, the abundance of intracellular choline paved the way for choline to become incorporated into other synthetic pathways, including acetylcholine production. Many of the uses of acetylcholine rely on its action on ion channels via G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) like membrane proteins.

The two major types of acetylcholine receptors, muscarinic and nicotinic receptors, have convergently evolved to be responsive to acetylcholine. This means that rather than having evolved from a common homolog, these receptors evolved from separate receptor families. It is estimated that the nicotinic receptor family dates back longer than 2.5 billion years. Likewise, muscarinic receptors are thought to have diverged from other GPCRs at least 0.5 billion years ago. Both of these receptor groups have evolved numerous subtypes with unique ligand affinities and signaling mechanisms. The diversity of the receptor types enables acetylcholine to create varying responses depending on which receptor types are activated, and allow for acetylcholine to dynamically regulate physiological processes.


Hope that provides more insight Slight Smile
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