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Mkersey12 Mkersey12
Posts: 140
4 years ago
What features characterize the political ideology called pluralism?

Communists believe that a violent revolution is needed to seize control over resources, wish to eliminate political opposition, and do what else?

What does a representative democracy strive to provide for its people?

By what other name is capitalism referred?
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4 years ago
1.   Q: What features characterize the political ideology called pluralism?
A: Pluralism is the belief that both private and public groups play important roles in a nation’ political activities. Each group (consisting of people with different ethnic, racial, class and lifestyle backgrounds) serves to balance power that can be gained by others. Pluralistic political systems include democracies, constitutional monarchies, and some aristocracies.

2.   Q: Communists believe that a violent revolution is needed to seize control over resources, wish to eliminate political opposition, and do what else?
A: A communist government has sweeping political and economic powers. In this type of system, private business is virtually or totally non-existent.

3.   Q: What does a representative democracy strive to provide for its people?
A: Representative democracies strive to provide some or all of the following: (1) freedom of expression, (2) periodic elections, (3) full civil and property rights, (4) minority rights, and (5) nonpolitical bureaucracies.
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