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elbthwtkns01 elbthwtkns01
Posts: 435
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4 years ago
Among a dozen eggs, three are rotten. A cookie recipe calls for two eggs; they'll be selected randomly from that dozen. Which plan could be used to simulate the number of rotten eggs that might be chosen?
I.   Let 0, 1, and 2 represent the rotten eggs, and 3, 4, …, 11 the good eggs. Generate two random numbers 0-11, ignoring repeats.
II.  Randomly generate a 0, 1, or 2 to represent the number of rotten eggs you get.
III. Since 25% of the eggs are rotten, let 0 = rotten and 1, 2, 3 = good. Generate two random numbers 0-3 and see how may 0’s you get.

▸ III only

▸ I, II, or III

▸ I or III only

▸ I only

▸ II only
Stats: Modeling the World

Stats: Modeling the World

Edition: 4th
Read 355 times
2 Replies
Answer verified by a subject expert
Cass S.Cass S.
Posts: 390
4 years ago
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elbthwtkns01 Author
4 years ago
Thank you for answering so quickly
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