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daniellasousa daniellasousa
Posts: 510
4 years ago
A San Jose State student collects data from 20 students. He compares the number of classes a student is enrolled in to their GPA. Here are the results of the regression analysis. The conditions for inference are satisfied.

What is the correlation coefficient for this relationship? Interpret this result in context.
Stats: Modeling the World

Stats: Modeling the World

Edition: 4th
Read 311 times
4 Replies
Answer verified by a subject expert
Posts: 373
4 years ago
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4 years ago
A San Jose State student collects data from 20 students. He compares the number of classes a student is enrolled in to their GPA. Here are the results of the regression analysis. The conditions for inference are satisfied.

Is there evidence of a significant relationship between number of classes and GPA? Provide statistical justification for your answer.
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4 years ago
H0: β = 0 There is no evidence of a linear relationship between number of classes and GPA.
HA: β ≠ 0 There is evidence of a linear relationship between number of classes and GPA.
The conditions for inference have been met.
t = -2.56; df = 18; p-value = 0.0195; α = 0.05
With a p-value of 1.95% < 5%, I reject H0. We have statistically significantly evidence that there is a linear relationship between number of classes and GPA.
4 years ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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