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jus10n jus10n
Posts: 466
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4 years ago
Which of the following is NOT true regarding solitary confinement?

▸ The prisoner is under intense control and isolation.

▸ Rather than eating in a dining hall, meals are typically passed through slots in each inmate's individual cell door.

▸ Inmates may have access to televisions, radios, or even reading and writing materials.

▸ Whereas typical cells measure about 6 feet wide and 9 feet long, solitary confinement cells are usually twice that size since inmates are confined to the cell for 23-24 hours per day.
Corrections (Justice Series)

Corrections (Justice Series)

Edition: 3rd
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4 years ago
Whereas typical cells measure about 6 feet wide and 9 feet long, solitary confinement cells are usually twice that size since inmates are confined to the cell for 23-24 hours per day.
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