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Poll: Do you believe that the coronavirus lockdowns are unconstitutional?
Yes! The lockdowns are unconstitutional.
30 (34.9%)
They are, but we have to flatten the curve by any means necessary.
30 (34.9%)
No, the goverment should be able to do whatever it wants.
18 (20.9%)
I don't know.
8 (9.3%)
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Zlovespigs Zlovespigs
Posts: 202
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4 years ago
With the corona virus lock downs, our basic rights have been eliminated. We cannot go to church, we cannot work, and we cannot even get proper exercise, let alone our freedom to protest and the freedom of speech. Every one of our basic rights that are protected under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights has been taken away under emergency war powers. Do you believe that our rights should be ours no matter what, or do you believe that we should sacrifice them in order to fight threats such as the corona virus?
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4 years ago
There was a quote I read where if you give up your freedom for security, you get neither in return.

I voted "I don't know" because I'm not certain what the constitution stipulates about unprecedented matters like these. If we look back just over 100 years ago, over 100 million lives were lost due to the Spanish flu. The same restrictions we're facing today were also faced by our forefathers. Most of us are afraid that this may lead to that, but no one is able to accurately predict if it will.

Personally, I believe this will pass faster than the models say it will, but that's just my instinct. The best way to go abouts opening up the country is by comparing numbers of nations that have not been on quarantine; I believe that includes Sweden and Belarus. Using Sweden as a control, it'll help us determine if this quarantine significantly made an impact, and then decide from there.

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4 years ago Edited: 4 years ago, ryann
I have voted the They are, but we have to flatten the curve by any means necessary.

I don't think we have right here to determine whether we should keep doing our regular activities while there is deadly virus out there in the world because there are 100% so many missing pieces and the government won't say it to the public to prevent public chaos towards certain group of people.  With that said, there are high individuals in the government know how bad the situation is that's why to maintain the country running safe they decided to lockdown ONLY certain group of workers and compensate them so no one can complain.

from my opinion, I think its biological war between America and China and they're trying to solve it now.
4 years ago
@ZLOVESPIGS Would you rather, A.Get your family and friends sick and have them possibly die from COVID, and put others at risk so you can do what you want? Or would you, B.Use common sense and try to understand that the government is trying to stop a PANDEMIC that has already killed 187,000 people world wide. (If you pick A then you are now considered a terrorist by the U.S government.)
4 years ago
They are trying to stop the spread and if you willingly go against what WHO and the CDC recommends you do to stop the spread, you have just committed a terrorist action against the USA according the the CIA and the FBI.
4 years ago
Stay inside unless you have to get the essentials, and when you do go out wear a face-mask and disposable gloves. Wash your hands and clean the floors of your house if someone coughs in an area that has hard wood or tile as new studies have shown the COVID is too heavy to stay airborne and will fall to the ground.
4 years ago
They are trying to stop the spread and if you willingly go against what WHO and the CDC recommends you do to stop the spread, you have just committed a terrorist action against the USA according the the CIA and the FBI.

But we've seen how untrustworthy the WHO has been. They'll not disparage the Chinese government under any circumstance because apparently their government funds their organization. I believe if they were less biased, people would have more trust in them. They knew what was happening well before any of these happened, yet were reluctant to announce it earlier in fears they would upset their funder.

The accepted definition of terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. How is this form of retaliation political? People just want their freedom back, especially in the case of Michigan, people aren't allowed to buy paint or gardening supplies, but are marijuana and alcohol shops are permitted?

Makes no sense to me
4 years ago
wow that
How is this form of retaliation political? People just want their freedom back, especially in the case of Michigan, people aren't allowed to buy paint or gardening supplies, but are marijuana and alcohol shops are permitted?

yeah its crazy what's going on. From my opinion, I think there is more than it's just a virus but the government won't say.
Zlovespigs Author
4 years ago Edited: 4 years ago, Zlovespigs
ryann, I completely agree with you. There has been an absolute power grab and the media goes nonstop with their fear-mongering. Some of the things that the government is trying to do is roll out 5G, eliminate cash, and force mandatory vaccines and micro chipping. The mandatory mask wearing is the first step towards getting us ready for mandatory vaccination and micro-chipping. The whole essential/non-essential argument is a way of dehumanizing people and controlling us.
4 years ago
From my opinion, I think there is more than it's just a virus but the government won't say.

I don't think so, I think someone really messed up, and it started to spread like it did.

Look, I'm not a fan of 5G, I feel more research needs to be done before we can comfortably start offering it customers, but I don't see it as a cause to what's happening. Yes there is a correlation, but surely it's not the cause. What's interesting is that the coronavirus they isolate from humans is nearly 99% identical to that found in the wild. It's 99% identical, 1% percent different. That 1% could be temporing they did in the lab that made it way more pathogenic that what you find in the wild.

ryann, I completely agree with you. There has been an absolute power grab and the media goes nonstop with their fear-mongering. Some of the things that the government is trying to do is roll out 5G, eliminate cash, and force mandatory vaccines and micro chipping. The mandatory mask wearing is the first step towards getting us ready for mandatory vaccination and micro-chipping. The whole essential/non-essential argument is a way of dehumanizing people and controlling us.

The fear-mongering is annoying, but can you blame a media for doing it? It's there job to create fear so that more people can tune in every night. Since when has mainstream media reported anything positive in the world. News is always BAD, even before this virus started. President Trump has always been the target of CNN, MSNBC, various newspapers, etc. every since he ran for president. Why would that suddenly change?

Some of the things that the government is trying to do is roll out 5G, eliminate cash, and force mandatory vaccines and micro chipping.

Eliminating cash could backfire; take bitcoin, for example. The technology isn't perfect, it is hackable, and there are an endless variety of digital currencies. The purpose behind them was to create a DECENTRALIZED system by which people could conduct commerce in a currency that was outside the control of banks, and government agencies. This is contrary to what you're suggesting, the governments wants to have a federal reserve so that they know how much is coming in and going out. Bitcoin circumvents that, and is a danger to US currency.

The mandatory mask wearing is the first step towards getting us ready for mandatory vaccination and micro-chipping.

Why is human control a bad thing? Just playing the devil's advocate here, curious on your thoughts...
4 years ago
German government confirms attempts by Chinese diplomats to persuade German officials to make positive public statements about China's management of the pandemic. Neutral Face
Zlovespigs Author
4 years ago
Bill Gates is praising China's management of the pandemic as well.
Zlovespigs Author
4 years ago
Hi bio_man,

5G definitely needs more safety testing. The fact that governments are rolling it out world-wide with resistance from medical professionals, installers, scientists, the citizenry. etc without conducting safety testing is reckless and we as a society definitely need to check that. I don't believe that 5G caused this virus, but it might have had something to do with it by breaking down our immune systems. That is really interesting about the corona virus they isolated from humans.

Fear mongering is definitely the job of the media. Personally, I lean a little bit more conservative when it comes to politics so I have a problem with CNN (being more liberal) using their platform to twist Trump's words to create more panic but that's just me. I have been watching FOX news instead as they lean more conservative and don't participate in the fear mongering as much as CNN, MSNBC, etc.

I don't know much about bitcoin, but China has implemented a cash free society where all of their citizens pay with their phones instead of using cards or cash. The technology can and probably will backfire, most technology does sooner and later.

To your question "Why is human control a bad thing?" It depends on how comfortable you are having the government controlling your everyday life. Do we really want the government to decide when we can be born, when we can die, what we die of, when or if we vaccinate, what we can or cannot wear, where we can or cannot go, who we can or cannot see, what we can or cannot eat, where we can or cannot live, the list goes on and on. Human control is a bad thing for us ordinary humans because we have to suffer and will not have control over our lives. Human control is good for morons like Bill Gates and Fauci because they get to have the diabolical pleasure of exerting control over people. 

There isn't really a straight answer as to why human control is a bad thing.  It is different for every individual, but everyone has something that is important to them, even if that is just their thoughts. Freedom is a human right. Humans aren't meant to be and don't like being controlled, and when they are, it backfires.
4 years ago
5G definitely needs more safety testing. The fact that governments are rolling it out world-wide with resistance from medical professionals, installers, scientists, the citizenry. etc without conducting safety testing is reckless and we as a society definitely need to check that. I don't believe that 5G caused this virus, but it might have had something to do with it by breaking down our immune systems. That is really interesting about the corona virus they isolated from humans.

From a biological standpoint, I don't see a connection between a pathogen and digital airwaves, unless it creates some sort of synergistic effect -- but something like that has never been quantified scientifically, to my knowledge at the very least. See, I didn't know that medical professionals, scientists, etc. expressed resistance towards it, I find that interesting. I wonder what their contention is about it.

Fear mongering is definitely the job of the media. Personally, I lean a little bit more conservative when it comes to politics so I have a problem with CNN (being more liberal) using their platform to twist Trump's words to create more panic but that's just me. I have been watching FOX news instead as they lean more conservative and don't participate in the fear mongering as much as CNN, MSNBC, etc.

I find Fox News to be a lot more reasonable than CNN, MSNBC. Yes, the lean more towards the right, but isn't that what you'd want from a news network? I remember when Obama was president, I'd always watch CNN all the time, even though they were never critical of him. While I didn't like Obama, I liked how he was portrayed fairly and without disdain. Why would you want journalists to subjectively bash the president of your country? In light of others watching around the world, it only weakens a nation when they constantly paint the picture that everyone hates him - I definitely don't and I think he's doing a fine job. I never understood that, why would you play a role in weakening a nation by constantly making fun of its leaders.

I don't know much about bitcoin, but China has implemented a cash free society where all of their citizens pay with their phones instead of using cards or cash. The technology can and probably will backfire, most technology does sooner and later.

Seen it, but I don't see it any different than what we have now. Go to the flea market, and all see are vendors accepting Visa and Mastercard. It's funny because my excuse to not buying always used to be, "I don't have any cash on me, sorry". Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Not sure if China will totally eliminated physical money, but from the looks of it, there are pros and cons to having physical cash available.

To your question "Why is human control a bad thing?" It depends on how comfortable you are having the government controlling your everyday life. Do we really want the government to decide when we can be born, when we can die, what we die of, when or if we vaccinate, what we can or cannot wear, where we can or cannot go, who we can or cannot see, what we can or cannot eat, where we can or cannot live, the list goes on and on. Human control is a bad thing for us ordinary humans because we have to suffer and will not have control over our lives. Human control is good for morons like Bill Gates and Fauci because they get to have the diabolical pleasure of exerting control over people.

No, no, and no Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Definitely wouldn't want the government to decide those things for me. Sadly, your argument here is black or white, and what you're describing is a totalitarian society, where all decisions are made by a select few. Remember, we have a duly elected government, a democracy that elects officials to make decisions on our behalf already. Donald Trump shut down the economy without anyone's vote because people voted trusted him enough to make the right decisions and voted him in already. Given the IQ range of humans, most can easily be controlled through propaganda and false beliefs. Look how many people are associated with cults, and their followers will practically do anything for their leaders. Arguably, a lot of religions promise "crazy" things in the afterlife if you go out and blow yourself up. Face it, people are controllable, and if you're the kind that is, can you blame others for trying?

There isn't really a straight answer as to why human control is a bad thing.  It is different for every individual, but everyone has something that is important to them, even if that is just their thoughts. Freedom is a human right. Humans aren't meant to be and don't like being controlled, and when they are, it backfires.

Good point!
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