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3 years ago


Trevor is going for a run. He starts thinking about all the things that he needs to do throughout his day, and he decides that after he showers he will study for his midterm for a little while before he goes to work for the evening. As Trevor rounds the corner near home, he sees something move near his feet and then feels a sharp pain in his right leg. At this point, Trevor's heart rate increases substantially, as he spins away from the dog that just bit him. As the dog's owner apologizes and puts the dog back on its leash, Trevor's heart rate slows down and he then makes his way home.

As Trevor's heart rate is coming back down after the dog bite, he is feeling less fear. Which division of the nervous system is responsible for the physiological changes associated with calming back down?




Psychology: Themes and Variations

Psychology: Themes and Variations

Edition: 5th
Read 103 times
9 Replies
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3 years ago
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3 years ago


Trevor is going for a run. He starts thinking about all the things that he needs to do throughout his day, and he decides that after he showers he will study for his midterm for a little while before he goes to work for the evening. As Trevor rounds the corner near home, he sees something move near his feet and then feels a sharp pain in his right leg. At this point, Trevor's heart rate increases substantially, as he spins away from the dog that just bit him. As the dog's owner apologizes and puts the dog back on its leash, Trevor's heart rate slows down and he then makes his way home.

As Trevor is running, what area of his brain is sending signals to his muscles so that they will move?

motor cortex in the parietal lobes

somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobes

motor cortex in the frontal lobes

somatosensory cortex in the frontal lobes
3 years ago
motor cortex in the frontal lobes
3 years ago


Trevor is going for a run. He starts thinking about all the things that he needs to do throughout his day, and he decides that after he showers he will study for his midterm for a little while before he goes to work for the evening. As Trevor rounds the corner near home, he sees something move near his feet and then feels a sharp pain in his right leg. At this point, Trevor's heart rate increases substantially, as he spins away from the dog that just bit him. As the dog's owner apologizes and puts the dog back on its leash, Trevor's heart rate slows down and he then makes his way home.

When Trevor feels the pain in his right leg, what area of the brain responds to this sensation?

left parietal lobe

right temporal lobe

left frontal lobe

right prefrontal cortex
3 years ago
left parietal lobe
3 years ago


Trevor is going for a run. He starts thinking about all the things that he needs to do throughout his day, and he decides that after he showers he will study for his midterm for a little while before he goes to work for the evening. As Trevor rounds the corner near home, he sees something move near his feet and then feels a sharp pain in his right leg. At this point, Trevor's heart rate increases substantially, as he spins away from the dog that just bit him. As the dog's owner apologizes and puts the dog back on its leash, Trevor's heart rate slows down and he then makes his way home.

As Trevor plans out his day, which area of his brain is processing these higher-level thoughts?

limbic system

prefrontal cortex

medial temporal lobes

Wernicke's area
3 years ago
prefrontal cortex
3 years ago


Trevor is going for a run. He starts thinking about all the things that he needs to do throughout his day, and he decides that after he showers he will study for his midterm for a little while before he goes to work for the evening. As Trevor rounds the corner near home, he sees something move near his feet and then feels a sharp pain in his right leg. At this point, Trevor's heart rate increases substantially, as he spins away from the dog that just bit him. As the dog's owner apologizes and puts the dog back on its leash, Trevor's heart rate slows down and he then makes his way home.

What would an evolutionary psychologist say about Trevor's physiological responses to the frightening experience of being bitten?

Fight or flight responses are adaptations that evolved through natural selection.

The increase in heart rate is caused by an overactive hypothalamus.

Such responses put Trevor at risk for developing an anxiety disorder.

Fight or flight responses are a maladaptive consequence of exposure to danger.
3 years ago
Fight or flight responses are adaptations that evolved through natural selection.
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