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arunasingh5 arunasingh5
Posts: 128
Rep: 2 0
2 years ago

Question 1.

Neoprene, which is used in gaskets, electrical insulation, and other products, has the structure shown. What is the structure of the monomer?

An illustration depicts a monomer structure. The structure has a 12 carbon chain, in which C 2, C 6, and C 10 is double bonded to C 3, C 7, and C 11 respectively. C 2, C 6, and C 10 each is also single bonded to a chlorine atom. The terminal carbon atoms are bonded to a wavy bond.

An illustration depicts five products. The first product labeled as Roman numeral one has a SMILES string of C=C(C(=C)Cl)Cl.The second product labeled as Roman numeral two has a SMILES string of CCC(=C)Cl.The third product labeled as Roman numeral three has a SMILES string of CC(C=C)Cl.The fourth product labeled as Roman numeral four has a SMILES string of C=CC(=C)Cl.The fifth compound labeled as Roman numeral five has a SMILES string of CC(C(C)Cl)Cl.

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Question 2.

SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber) is used in the manufacturing of automobile tires. What is the structure of a region of this polymer?

An illustration depicts five chemical structure.The first structure labeled as Roman numeral 1 has a linear carbon chain of 18 carbon atoms. From right to left, C 1 atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 6, C 12, C 18 atoms are bonded to a six membered benzene ring. The C 18 atom is also bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The second structure labeled as Roman numeral 2 has a linear carbon chain of 18 carbon atoms. From right to left, C 1 atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 2 and C 3 atoms are double bonded. The C 6 atom is bonded to a six membered cyclohexane ring. The C 8 and C 9 atoms are double bonded. The C 12 atom is bonded to a six membered benzene ring. The C 14 and C 15 atoms are double bonded. The C 18 atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 18 atom is also bonded to a six membered cyclohexane ring.The third structure labeled as Roman numeral 3 has a linear carbon chain of 18 carbon atoms. From right to left, C 1 atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 2 and C 3 atoms are double bonded. The C 6 atom is bonded to a six membered benzene ring. The C 8 and C 9 atoms are double bonded. The C 12 atom is bonded to a six membered benzene ring. The C 14 and C 15 atoms are double bonded. The C 18 atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 18 atom is also bonded to a six membered benzene ring.The fourth structure labeled as Roman numeral 4 has a linear carbon chain of 18 carbon atoms. From right to left, atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 2 and C 3 atoms are double bonded. The C 6 atom is bonded to a six membered cyclohexane ring. The C 8 and C 9 atoms are double bonded. The C 12 atom is bonded to a six membered benzene ring. The C 14 and C 15 atoms are double bonded. The C 18 atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 18 atom is also bonded to a six membered cyclohexane ring.The fifth structure labeled as Roman numeral 5 has a linear carbon chain of 18 carbon atoms. From right to left, C 1 atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 2 and C 3 atoms are double bonded. The C 4 and C 5 atoms are double bonded. The C 6 atom is bonded to a six membered benzene ring. The C 8 and C 9 atoms are double bonded. The C 10 and C 11 atoms are double bonded. The C 12 atom is bonded to a six membered benzene ring. The C 14 and C 15 atoms are double bonded. The C 16 and C 17 atoms are double bonded. The C 18 atom is bonded to a methyl group and a wavy line is present on the bonded line. The C 18 atom is also bonded to a six membered benzene ring.

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Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Edition: 4th
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