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oemBiology oemBiology
Posts: 1247
A year ago
Is there some bacteria existed between toes?
if yes, how to kill them?
Can I use alocohol / vinegar to kill them?

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
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A year ago
Hello oemBiology

What you're experiencing is a fungal infection, which is not bacteria. You need a cream prescribed by your doctor to kill the infection.
oemBiology Author
A year ago
Does tea tree oil work against fungal infection?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)

"Tea tree oil has been used traditionally as a topical antiseptic and antifungal treatment."
A year ago
I would definitely give it a try for at least a couple of days!
oemBiology Author
A year ago
I would like to know on where fungal grows, why does alcohol cannot kill fungal?

1) surface of skin
2) deep inside of skin

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)
A year ago
Athlete’s foot (which is what you have) is a superficial infection (meaning it doesn't go beyond the skin). The fungi most likely to cause athlete’s foot include several species of the genus Trichophyton and Epidermophyton floccosum.

The infection typically stays within the nonliving conidified layer of host epidermis, since the fungus cannot pierce through living tissues of individuals with normal immunity.

Alcohol is capable of killing the fungus, but because of the fungus' numerous life stages, it goes to a spore stage to protect itself. Later when the conditions are right and the alcohol has disappeared, it will start to reproduce.

This is why antifungal medications work best. Typically people are prescribed griseofulvin, miconazole nitrate, and tolnaftate are commonly used to cure the infection. In extremely severe cases, radiation treatment using x rays or ultraviolet radiation may be required to destroy the fungi.
oemBiology Author
A year ago
Can fungus survive in slippers?
Can hot water kill fungus as well?
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)
A year ago
Can fungus survive in slippers?

Yes. It is best if you throw them into the washer with detergent and air dry them afterwards.
oemBiology Author
A year ago

 Yes. It is best if you throw them into the washer with detergent and air dry them afterwards.

If I use hot water on slipper about 1 minutes, would it be enough to kill fungus ?
Would hot water be enough to damage any structure of fungus?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)
A year ago
If I use hot water on slipper about 1 minutes, would it be enough to kill fungus ?

No, because the spores can withstand beyond boiling temperatures. At that point, you'd be cooking your own skin!
oemBiology Author
A year ago

 No, because the spores can withstand beyond boiling temperatures. At that point, you'd be cooking your own skin!

so Fungus can ONLY be removed from slipper by any physical cleaning, such as washer with detergent, correct?
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions (^v^)
A year ago
so Fungus can ONLY be removed from slipper by any physical cleaning, such as washer with detergent, correct?

Yes, that should be enough to disrupt the cellular structure of the fungus. Also, make sure the water >60 C.
oemBiology Author
A year ago

 Yes, that should be enough to disrupt the cellular structure of the fungus. Also, make sure the water >60 C.

so I use hot water (over 80 C) through shower over 1 minute, would it be enough to disrupt the cellular structure of the fungus as well?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions (^v^)
A year ago
so I use hot water (over 80 C) through shower over 1 minute, would it be enough to disrupt the cellular structure of the fungus as well?

No, that would damage your skin. It is recommended you using a medicated cream
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