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S.v S.v
Posts: 54
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A month ago
Hey so I was just thinking what range of grades would I need to get into western? My parents are saying 95+ but my guidance councilors have been saying 80s are fine. Also is there any clubs or sports that western considers good?
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8 Replies
A month ago
It depends on the program.

Also, 95% is way too high, it's more within the range of 75 to 85% that they're looking for.

Also is there any clubs or sports that western considers good?

I think any sort of athleticism is welcomed at these schools. However, unless you're getting in with a sports scholarship, this sort of thing isn't really a prerequisite for most programs.
S.v Author
A month ago
right so I was thinking either engineering or medical science. Im currently trying out for shotput and I'm also trying to do science olympics and robotics next year.
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A month ago
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S.v Author
A month ago
The main reason why I want to get into western is because I live really close so I dont have to waste money on things like that
A month ago
The main reason why I want to get into western is because I live really close so I dont have to waste money on things like that

A smart move! I think the University of Waterloo is also in close proximity. Could be worth a look
S.v Author
A month ago
yeah i was thinking one of the 2, I was thinking western because of the med sci opportunities and waterloo because of the engineering opportunities
A month ago
UWaterloo is best when it comes to anything mathematics/engineering!
S.v Author
3 weeks ago
Yeah I knew that but I'm not sure if I can get in since its very competitive
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