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sweets387 sweets387
Posts: 29
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12 years ago
Answers will vary depending on the slides the computer selects.

Tissue Type   # Cells in Interphase   # Cells in Prophase   # Cells in
Metaphase   # Cells in Anaphase   # Cells in
Lung Tissue
Sample 1   19   0   0   1   0
Lung Tissue
Sample 2   19   1   0   0   0
Stomach Tissue
Sample 1   13   2   2   2   1
Stomach Tissue
Sample 2   18   0   1   0   1
Ovarian Tissue
Sample 1   17   0   1   2   0
Ovarian Tissue
Sample 2   19   0   0   1   0

Table 2:  Record your data for the number of cells in each stage of the cell cycle observed in cancerous tissues.

Answers will vary depending on the slides the computer selects.

Tissue Type   # Cells in Interphase   # Cells in Prophase   # Cells in
Metaphase   # Cells in Anaphase   # Cells in
Lung Tissue
Sample 1   16   1   2   1   1
Lung Tissue
Sample 2   14   2   2   2   1
Stomach Tissue
Sample 1   14   2   1   1   2
Stomach Tissue
Sample 2   13   2   2   2   1
Ovarian Tissue
Sample 1   12   2   1   2   3
Ovarian Tissue
Sample 2   11   2   1   2   3

Table 3:  Use the data in Table 1 to calculate the Mitotic Index (Average % Cells Dividing) and Average % Cells at Rest for each normal tissue type. 

Tissue Type   Avg. % Cells at Rest   Mitotic Index
Lung - normal   30   0.01
Stomach - normal   27   0.01
Ovary - normal   23   1.015

Table 4:  Use the data in Table 2 to calculate the Mitotic Index (Average % Cells Dividing) and Average % Cells at Rest for each cancerous tissue type.

Tissue Type   Avg. % Cells at Rest   Mitotic Index
Lung - cancerous   30   2.03
Stomach - cancerous   27   2.03
Ovary - cancerous   23

Lab Questions

1.   In which phase of mitosis do each of the following occur:

a.   Centromeres split and chromosomes move toward opposite sides of the cell:  Anaphase

b.   Chromatin coils to form visible chromosomes:  prophase

c.   The nuclear membrane disappears:  prophase

d.   Sister chromatids line up in the center of the cell:  Metephase

2.   In which phases of mitosis are sister chromatids visible, and attached to each other at the centromere? Metaphase and prophase

3.   What does your data indicate about the rate of cell division in cancerous tissue compared to the rate of cell division in normal tissue?  What data did you use to answer this question? That the cancer tissues divided faster than the non cancer tissue. I used the boxes 1 and 2 then box 3 and 4 and compared and contrasted to see the answer. The mitotic index box shows more cell divison has occurred and increased cancers tissues than normal tissues.

4.   Which type of cancer is the fastest growing?  Explain your answer, using your relevant data .
Ovarian cancer due to the high mitotic index
5.   With what you have observed in this lab, if you were to compare tissue sample from normal breast tissue and cancerous breast tissue:

a.   Would you expect to see a difference in the rate of cell division in the cancerous breast tissue compared to the normal breast tissue?  Explain your answer.
The cancers breast tissue will divide quicker due to it are a cancers tissue and based on the pattern in the boxes above. Normal breast tissues will not rapidly divide like cancers tissues to produce more cancers tissue cells. Cancers tissues have a higher mitotic index than non cancers tissues

b.   Could you make a prediction about the average % dividing cells in the cancerous breast tissue?  Explain your answer.
I would not be able to properly guess the correct answer due to no facts or numbers on it in this lab. I would guess 10-45% mitotic index due to other given samples in this lab.

6.   Consider the % dividing cells in normal lung, normal stomach, and normal ovarian tissue.  Why do you think there are more cells dividing in the stomach and ovary tissue than in the lung tissue?
I think the reason the stomach has more cells dividing is due to its chemical makeup and what has to occur in the stomach for normal balance to occur. The stomach has many fuctions and processes to break down food and process it for other functions to begin their process. All digestion starts with the intake to the mouth and down to the stomach. The stomach has a large job to this is the reason why the amount of cells divide more in the stomach. The stomach has high turn over of cells mainly due to the food and acid and churing in the stomach.
The ovarian cells are all the time havng to reproduce due to menstrual cycyle.

7.   This lab explores three common cancers.  An additional form of cancer – Skin Cancer – used to be seen only in older individuals but is now seen in younger individuals, many in their early 20s.  Skin cancer results from accumulated mutations to the DNA of skin cells, caused primarily by sun exposure.  What factors do you think may be contributing to the increase in skin cancer among young adults?
The increased rate of skin cancer in younger adults might me cause more carcinogens into the body at a earlier age. There are many possible exposures that everyone is exposed to examples would be uv rays and environmental toxins and other exposures as the tanning beds with their lights.
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3 Replies
12 years ago

Thank you!
sweets387 Author
12 years ago
welcome this site helped me so returning the favor
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