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colleen colleen
Valued Member
Posts: 17076
12 years ago
In the movie As Good as It Gets, Jack Nicholson starred as a man who suffered from obsessive-compulsive
disorder.  As the movie opens, he washes his hands in a practiced ritual, one of the common compulsions of
this disorder.  What other symptoms do people with OCD experience? What evidence of a brain
abnormality has been found to explain some cases of OCD?
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12 years ago
The most common compulsions are hand washing, counting, touching, and checking.
Obsessive thoughts take many forms, but they are alike in reflecting impaired ways of reasoning and processing information.
Brain disorders may be involved in OCD.
The prefrontal cortex may be depleted of serotonin resulting in cognitive rigidity.
One area of the frontal lobes sends messages of impending danger to other areas, but does not shut off the alarm when danger is past.
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