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ehd123 ehd123
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Posts: 778
9 years ago
Hello everyone

This may seem a little too unsuitable for a biology blog, but I have to speak this out. My dilemma this time is concerning professors. I have seen numerous cartoons and comics made about professors and the graduate students - most popular being PhD comics - but I never for once gave it any attention and constantly thought it was just humor. For some reason, the messages behind these comics are becoming painfully obvious and I am starting to lose my patience.

I am a calm and peaceful person, but even tolerance has its limits. Why are professors, and excuse me for this unusually harsh language- jerks? I mean, are they always like this?? Just because they hold big positions and "teach" medical students / more like dictators/ and leave their work or classrooms before their students, and go home anytime they want, and get anything they want by the time they want it, and get 'departmental coffee dates -literally, the whole department meets at 10am for a huge coffee get together, EVERYDAY, and boss the little and the big and each other around allll day long, they get to still get away with their rudeness, bossiness, carelessness, obliviousness and all uncaring synonyms there exists in the oxford dictionary there might be?!?!
First semester through my master's degree, I was completely blindfolded to this sort of thing. My classmates called these things out to me. One of them told me how rudely she was treated last Fall, but I simply thought she was exaggerating. I used to look up to my professors each and every single one of them, and to their "professionalism", their high achievements and success, and dare to become just like them one day. But the more I get to know them, the worse they become. Today was the first time I was treated rudely and for something that was my own right too! We just had an exam on Tuesday, and our review session was scheduled on Wednesday during which the time slot allocated to us "the graduates" was also occupied by one of our classes. So, as a responsible student would normally do, I emailed one of the coordinators of the course we were examined for and told him about the issue. He seemed okay with it and allowed us to review on Tuesday afternoon. The chairperson, also teaching this course, saw me on Tuesday during the review. Offcourse, you'd think a review session is to look over the answer key and your mistakes and this takes time. But we only had less than 10 minutes to do that when a normal session should have lasted 25 minutes.  I just took a quick look at my mistakes and left early. However, my classmate was kicked out by the chairperson saying that her time was up when we arrived late because of another class taking up our review session. Not only did he not let her explain, but he took her paper back.
Today, we managed to postpone our clashing class schedule and went to review again. This time, the chairperson addressed me and told me ,"Weren't you here yesterday? Why'd you come again?".. The professor I emailed concerning our clashing schedule timings was standing right there! He didn't even bother explaining to the chairperson why I was there again! He stood smiling! I replied to the chairperson and explained but he didn't seem to believe me.. Until one of the other professors who had nothing to do with this course told him we had conflicting timings.
To be honest I was really offended by this "interrogation". So what if we came again? Did we harm his ego by doing that?
Not only are our classes with medical students, and we are forced to bear the same exams as them with the terrible material load and terms like diadochokokinesia!! But also this rudeness?? We are graduates for Pete's sake! we will be working in their labs! Were has the mutual respect for students gone?
Another thing about that professor that I emailed and he didn't bother defending my statement to the chairperson: He saw us in front of another class we had to attend after the review session and said, "What's wrong? Are you waiting for me to ask more questions?". I replied, " Not unless you want us to ask, then be it." He said, "No I don't" and laughed and left.
What kind of "professional" interaction is this?? 

Again, I apologize for this. I am beyond shocked and frustrated. This was the last thing I expected. Are their pitty-unions online for graduates like us? These things matter. We are paying a lot for tuition, and not for that kind of treatment. I mean, my parents don't even treat me this way - My Parents!

Has anyone been through such a situation?
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2 Replies
B.Sc in Biology
M.Sc Neuroscience
PhD. Candidate in Neuroscience

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9 years ago
Your rant made me laugh a little lol

Professors possess high value roles in society. They are in the same category as medical doctors, lawyers, etc. Reason being, they are technically "leaders of men and women". Any career where you are a leader pays you more and you are more respected - think of a principal of a school. At the end of the day, what matters is the person's personality. If you let your career define who you are, and if you were to lose your career, you lose yourself. A lot of these professors have invested more than half their lives in their field, so they feel they are better than others, especially those studying to become what they are now. Not all professors possess this behaviour, however. I knew of a professor who had his doctorate in mathematics that would play Nintendo DS with the other students on his breaks. Others I knew would be the last to enter, and the first to leave - I always found that a bit funny. But why is that a problem? The school hires these people not to teach, but to conduct research for that school. Not all professors are a piece of *$%#, many are kind and approachable.
ehd123 Author
Valued Member
9 years ago
Hello bioman  lol Good to know this made someone smile Upwards Arrow
Well you're right and I completely agree with you. Professors deserve all the respect there is for their work throughout all these years. But sometimes it would be nice to see them support their students and be kind to them. I personally am the student that likes class only if the teacher was passionate and interesting in class. If professor's are hired just to do research, then why do they teach if they do not want to? Are they forced?

And like the Nintendo dude, I have a professor that looks just as adorable as santa, in fact I call him santa just not to his face, and he is literally the best professor ever! He keeps his student-professor relationship and truly mentors you not just about research and studies, but life itself. He is the father of wisdom to me. But unfortunately, I no longer see him as he is not part of my field and I really miss him. The professors I mentioned before are from my field. Knowing that I should maintain a healthy relationship with them, pick an advisor and bare with them until I finish my courses and thesis is terrifying me and driving me nuts! Anyhow, this rant was just to vent out a little. Also, weekends have magical powers and make you forget the little and the big from the previous week  Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
Somehow I have developed this habit of complaining to people who understand these matters whenever something irritating happens. The forum seems to be the best place to type the buttons out of the keyboard directly on the spot  Frowning Face Let's say like a shelter Face with Stuck-out Tongue
B.Sc in Biology
M.Sc Neuroscience
PhD. Candidate in Neuroscience

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