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jennie60 jennie60
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9 years ago
Why is it important to critically analyze sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research
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9 years ago
All humans are fallible, so can be their written ideas, and nothing that is written somewhere carries with it the guarantee that it is accurate by itself.

Scholarly sources are better because
1)Scientific journal articles are peer reviewed, which is required before they are allowed to be published.This means that a handful of other scientists with no ties to the writer have evaluated it.
2)Textbooks are usually  based on these articles and/or are peer reviewed themselves(fact check me on this).

Never trust sources that make claims without references, cause how are we supposed to know where they got their information from? You can sit down and write gibberish on a piece of paper and find some people to believe you, what would you think of that?That they would need to verify their sources I suppose
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